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   The CDC recommends social distancing to slow the spread of COVID-19. Here’s how we’re helping.
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                 Services to help slow the spread
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                  Services to help slow the spread
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                  Now grab everyday essentials with your Rx at the drive-thru.
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                <a style="color:#000000; font-weight:normal; text-decoration:none;">
                 Add select health essentials to your prescription order at one of our many drive-thrus.
                 • Pain relief
                 • Allergy relief
                 • Skin care
                 • Cold relief
                 • Digestive care
               <!-- END: DT - COPY2 -->
               <!-- START: DT - CTA1 -->
               <div class="lhfix" style="mso-line-height-rule:exactly; line-height:20px;">
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                    Find a drive-thru near you
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                   Now grab everyday essentials with your Rx at the drive-thru.
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                 <a style="color:#000000; font-weight:normal; text-decoration:none;">
                  Add select health essentials to your prescription order at one of our many drive-thrus.
                  • Pain relief
                  • Allergy relief
                  • Skin care
                  • Cold relief
                  • Digestive care
                <!-- END: MOB - COPY2 -->
                <div class="lhfix" style="mso-line-height-rule:exactly; line-height:20px;">
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                     Find a drive-thru near you
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                  Get free delivery on Rx &amp; other store essentials.
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                 Fill a prescription or call your local CVS Pharmacy
                 to get started with free 1 to 2 day Rx delivery.
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                    Get details about free delivery &gt;
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                 Our colleagues frequently clean surfaces with disinfecting products and use protective equipment like gloves and masks.
                 In the event of an exposure situation or a confirmed case, we’re ready and equipped for deep cleaning. Colleagues will thoroughly clean with EPA approved disinfectants for COVID-19.
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                  Social distancing helps stop the spread of COVID-19
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             FOR DRIVE-THRU SHOPPING: Select health items only. Price and in-stock availability may vary by store. See Pharmacist for details.
             FOR FREE Rx DELIVERY OFFER: Free 1 to 2 day prescription shipping applies to orders from March 9 to May 1, 2020.
             FOR RX DELIVERY: Delivery is available for eligible prescription drug orders with qualifying prescription benefit programs and insurance plans. Order cutoff times may vary by delivery option and pharmacy location. 1 to 2 day delivery only available on orders placed Monday through Thursday. Delivery may be subject to delays. Not all delivery options are available to every address or from all pharmacy locations (CVS Pharmacy
             , CVS Pharmacy at Target, CarePlus CVS Pharmacy
             and Navarro
             locations). Delivery fees apply and may vary by delivery option and location. Delivery of select nonprescription items is available with prescription delivery at participating locations, except from CVS Pharmacy at Target. Selection of nonprescription items available may vary for online and in-store orders. Nonprescription items are charged at online prices, which may vary from store prices. Coupons, ExtraBucks
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              FOR DRIVE-THRU SHOPPING: Select health items only. Price and in-stock availability may vary by store. See Pharmacist for details.
              FOR FREE Rx DELIVERY OFFER: Free 1 to 2 day prescription shipping applies to orders from March 9 to May 1, 2020.
              FOR RX DELIVERY: Delivery is available for eligible prescription drug orders with qualifying prescription benefit programs and insurance plans. Order cutoff times may vary by delivery option and pharmacy location. 1 to 2 day delivery only available on orders placed Monday through Thursday. Delivery may be subject to delays. Not all delivery options are available to every address or from all pharmacy locations (CVS Pharmacy
              , CVS Pharmacy at Target, CarePlus CVS Pharmacy
              and Navarro
              locations). Delivery fees apply and may vary by delivery option and location. Delivery of select nonprescription items is available with prescription delivery at participating locations, except from CVS Pharmacy at Target. Selection of nonprescription items available may vary for online and in-store orders. Nonprescription items are charged at online prices, which may vary from store prices. Coupons, ExtraBucks
              Rewards or in-store promotions with delivery may not be used with delivery orders. Online promotions cannot be used nor ExtraBucks Rewards earned with orders called into stores. Advance payment by credit, debit or FSA/HSA card required. In most cases, FSA/HSA cards may not be used for delivery fees. Other restrictions apply. See FAQs or call your local pharmacy for details.
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