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To our customers:
Our voices matter.
Our commitments matter.
Our actions matter.
We want to acknowledge George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and the many other Black people who have needlessly lost their lives due to racist violence and an inequitable justice system. We cannot stand by and let these unconscionable acts continue. We are outraged, and we are motivated to take action for the betterment of our communities.
Within Upwork, we are committed to creating a safe environment for honest conversations about race, these painful acts, how we can support each other through these traumatic crises, and how we can effectively upend the chronic racism that many of our team members experience every day. We recognize that we also have much progress to make, and we have committed to take action toward building a more diverse and inclusive workplace. Our commitments include setting and holding ourselves accountable to measurable goals around hiring Black leaders and promoting Black team members, quarterly data deep-dives to unpack how we are doing against these goals, and fostering honest and intimate conversations about race at work. Last year we welcomed Dr. Erin L. Thomas, our vice president of diversity, inclusion and belonging, to help us face these challenges head on by leveraging quantitative data and team member stories.
Because we believe we must all raise our voices in pursuit of equality and justice, we are publicly sharing the steps we are taking. We have started with this article on why
<a style="text-decoration:none;color:#37a000">
CEO Communications About Black Lives Matter Are Critical: A DIBs Leader's Perspective
and Dr. Thomas' insights on the
<a style="text-decoration:none;color:#37a000">
anti-racist commitments that companies can make
. In publishing these, our aim is to help other companies uplift their Black employees to pave the way toward cultures that nurture excellence in all of its forms. On Juneteenth, Dr. Thomas and I will also be co-hosting a webinar,
The Role of Leaders in Building an Anti-Racist Company Culture
, to further these important conversations. Details to follow.
On the Upwork platform, we continue to work to build a space where people of all races, backgrounds, and nationalities can tap into unparalleled work opportunities. Our product is anchored in our mission—to create economic opportunities so people have better lives—by breaking down the barriers that too often block talented people, including Black people, from reaching opportunities and realizing their potential. We are deeply committed to furthering opportunities for Black people on our platform, including taking steps to identify potential biases and to reduce the propagation of hiring preferences around race, nationality, gender, and ethnicity on Upwork.
In our communities, we are committed to the eradication of police violence, particularly violence against Black people. To further this important work, we are donating $100,000 to the
<a style="text-decoration:none;color:#37a000">
NAACP Legal Defense Fund
to help fight racial injustice. We are also matching an additional $100,000 in employee and team member donations to organizations supporting the Black community, with funds going to the
<a style="text-decoration:none;color:#37a000">
<a style="text-decoration:none;color:#37a000">
Color of Change
, the
<a style="text-decoration:none;color:#37a000">
Minnesota Freedom Fund
, and the
<a style="text-decoration:none;color:#37a000">
Chicago Community Bond Fund
As Brittany Packnett Cunningham, co-founder of
<a style="text-decoration:none;color:#37a000">
Campaign Zero
, said in a
<a style="text-decoration:none;color:#37a000">
My Brother's Keeper Alliance
Town Hall Wednesday:
"We have to be brave enough to imagine what is possible, and then go work for it—and not just dream it."
At Upwork, we are channeling our outrage into work, to actively build a company and a society that Black people deserve.
Hayden Brown
President and CEO, Upwork
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