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                    A preview of On Your Own Time, a weekly newsletter on the Slite team's learnings in remote work and async communication.
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                      Hey there!
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                      We're here with something a little different for you this week. On top of our regular product newsletter, we send out a weekly newsletter with our team's personal learnings as we figure out the ins and outs of remote work and async communication.
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                      It's called
                       On Your Own Time
                      , and recent topics include:
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                        Working on the weekends is fine
                      <li style="text-align: inherit; font-family: inherit">
                        How to build a change of scenery into your remote workflow
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                      For a sampling, read on for another recent post:
                       How to set junior employees up for success in remote
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                      If you'd like to receive these posts in your inbox,
                       subscribe here
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                      Until next time!
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                      How to set junior employees up for success in remote
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                        View this post online
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                      Micromanagement is a bogeyman 🧟 in remote. But what if micromanagement was less about control, and more about, well, very small tasks? A small remote startup at a crucial growth stage doesn’t often build mentorship, training, and upskilling into its business model. But they probably should.
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                      Why junior remote employees are set up to fail
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                      When you compare the in-office vs. remote learning experience, Junior remote employees have to do almost 2x the upskilling they would in-office:
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                      With these conditions, it’s not a recent grad’s fault if they struggle to get up to speed as quickly in a remote setting.
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                      The deeper roots of the problem
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                      This generation entering the workforce now is facing unprecedented socio-historical challenges.Job insecurity has been on the rise since the 2001 recession, and increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. Some Gen-Z workers were born into a recession and are now graduating into one. There’s increased competition for jobs and less margin for error. Remote work candidates are competing in a global pool as opposed to a local market. Junior hires can’t afford to be young and foolish and inexperienced.It’s a common, and frustrating conundrum:
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                      Adjustment from school or home to the working world is not a natural process, especially after a 3-year pandemic. Senior employees can’t relate.But at the same time, hesitation from remote leadership makes sense: junior employees need more oversight, more human interaction, more guidance, more socialization and more confidence-building than senior operators. Of course it’s really hard to manage these interpersonal subtleties from afar.But a lot of so-called “work experience” is just getting used to a professional environment, and that really doesn’t take too long. If you care about employee retention and securing the future of your company, it’s worth it.
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                      The solution: micro-tasks
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                      Micromanagement gets a bad rap. But maybe we’re just thinking about it in the wrong way. Breaking down tasks into tiny chunks is actually a really helpful way for newer employees to get reassurance, build confidence, and learn accountability. For managers, this incremental approach creates guardrails for the project itself, and eventually creates a path for off-ramping the new team member.
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                      Example: engineering intern
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                      One of the developers at Slite has been working with an intern. Here’s his quite simple recipe for building up to bigger tasks:
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                       First, they start on training exercises, unrelated to the product work, where the junior developer learns our technologies and workflows
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                       Then, they move on to easy bug fixes / small wording changes to make, so they can focus on learning the workflows
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                       Then, they follow the same process as any other dev when faced with a daunting task: breaking down and splitting up big challenges.
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                      This last part boils down to a roadmap made of “manageable, but valuable” delivery steps.
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                       - you can wrap your head about the goal and find a comprehensive path towards shipping it. Anything longer than a week is a no-go.
                      <li style="text-align: inherit; font-family: inherit">
                       - will have a provable impact on growth
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                      Eventually, junior employees will start to operate more independently, and also learn how to carry their weight as a contributor to a team.Of course, I recommend using
                       Slite Docs and Discussions
                      for planning your roadmap and communicating along the way (Sorry, had to).
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                     <h2 style="text-align: inherit">
                      How remote leaders can help junior hires
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                      There are several ways to improve junior support right away:
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                       Limit the number of junior employees to a certain % of your workforce: sounds harsh, but in a remote team, especially a startup, resources are limited. Don’t stretch managers too thin.
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                       Have them join a stable squad, where senior team members can take time to onboard and support them
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                       Set clear, documented expectations for what the junior employee will achieve in their first month, six months, and year.
                      <li style="text-align: inherit; font-family: inherit">
                       Provide coaching and/or therapy services, such as Oliva
                      <li style="text-align: inherit; font-family: inherit">
                       Encourage junior hires to build relationships and community by meeting with colleagues in their region, joining a coworking space, and attending local networking events
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                     <h2 style="text-align: inherit">
                      Junior hires are the future
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                      Junior hires are the future of your company, plain and simple. They bring skills and knowledge that you aren’t even aware you need yet. Investing in them is a long play.But unless you’ve built mentorship into your business model, they will fail. With the right management model in place, you’ll build a structured process for junior hires to flourish on their own and a pipeline of talent for your company’s future.
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