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Delivra - The Inbox Newsletter subscriber
Subscribed 1 year, 7 months ago
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The definitive marketing email.
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May 29, 2024
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Hi [First Name], welcome to The Inbox!
Yes, you’re right, we just used
the most basic
email flex—that’s because, today, we're diving into the world of email personalization!
Did you know that
<a href="https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/email-personalization-techniques-tools-stats-2021-guide-josh-turner/" style="color: rgba(2, 112, 222, 1); text-decoration: underline" target="_blank">
75% of consumers
are more likely to repeat purchase from businesses that know them like their favorite barista knows their coffee order?
From dropping your name like an old friend to suggesting products tailored to your past purchases, personalized emails are the key ingredient to turning subscribers into loyal customers. But take note! Keep your personalization meaningful to be extra effective.
Get ready to sprinkle a little personalization magic into every inbox!
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<em style="font-size: 14px">
<td class="td100" colspan="6" style='text-align: center; vertical-align: top; padding: 48px 40px 12px; line-height: 1.5; font-family: "DM Sans", sans-serif; font-weight: bold; color: rgba(22, 35, 62, 1); width: 100%; background-color: rgba(226, 232, 246, 1)'>
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<a href="#TheKeyIngredientsToPerfectPersonal" style="text-decoration: underline" target="_self">
The key ingredients to perfect personalization
<a href="#ThisYearsTrends" style="color: rgba(2, 112, 222, 1); text-decoration: underline" target="_self">
<span class="k-marker">
<span class="k-marker">
<a href="#NewUpdatesFromYahooAndGoogleCould" style="text-decoration: underline" target="_self">
New updates from Yahoo and Google could land you in spam
<span class="k-marker">
<a href="#SteerClearOfThesePersonalizationSl" style="text-decoration: underline" target="_self">
Steer clear of these personalization slip-ups
<a href="#HowToRecoverFromAPersonalizationFa" style="text-decoration: underline" target="_self">
How to recover from a personalization fail
<a href="#HittingTheRightNoteSpotifysEmailPe" style="text-decoration: underline" target="_self">
Hitting the right note: Spotify's email personalization triumph
<td class="td100" colspan="6" style='text-align: center; vertical-align: top; line-height: 1.5; padding: 48px 40px 12px; font-family: "DM Sans", sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: rgba(22, 35, 62, 1); font-weight: bold; width: 100%; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)'>
<a class="dEditorAnchor" id="TheKeyIngredientsToPerfectPersonal" name="TheKeyIngredientsToPerfectPersonal" title="TheKeyIngredientsToPerfectPersonal">
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The key ingredients to perfect personalization 📝
<td class="td100" colspan="6" style='text-align: left; vertical-align: top; font-family: "DM Sans", sans-serif; font-size: 16px; color: rgba(22, 35, 62, 1); line-height: 1.5; width: 100%; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1); padding: 12px 40px'>
Let’s dive into some personalization strategies that'll have your subscribers feeling like the VIPs in their inbox.
#1 - Level up your merge tags
Take things further than adding [First Name] to subject lines—elevate your email content with advanced personalization like: “Your online course [Course1] classes begin [CourseStartDate]. While you wait, we think you might be interested in [LeadMagnet1]—we’ve included some insights you might find helpful because you’re in the [IndustryName] business”
#2 - Start send-time optimization
Maximize open rates and engagement by sending emails at optimal times.
Predictive sending
will send your campaign to each recipient based on their past click and open behavior.
Time zone sending
will deliver your emails at a scheduled time in each subscriber's local time zone.
#3 - Curate conditional content
Customize blocks of email content for segments of subscribers. Dynamically display email headers, footers, and body content based on subscriber attributes such as membership status, email preferences, and purchase history.
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These strategies are a strong place to start, but if you want to really unlock the power of personalization, take a look at these
<a href="https://www.delivra.com/resources/blog/email-personalization" style="text-decoration: underline" target="_blank">
advanced personalization strategies for email marketing
from Delivra.
<a href="https://www.delivra.com/resources/blog/email-marketing-trends" style="text-decoration: underline" target="_blank">
<td class="td100 mobilehide" colspan="6" style="text-align: left; vertical-align: top; width: 100%">
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<td class="td100" colspan="6" style='text-align: center; vertical-align: top; line-height: 1.5; padding: 48px 40px 12px; font-family: "DM Sans", sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: rgba(22, 35, 62, 1); font-weight: bold; width: 100%; background-color: rgba(255, 244, 206, 1); border-style: none; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: auto'>
<a class="dEditorAnchor" id="NewUpdatesFromYahooAndGoogleCould" name="NewUpdatesFromYahooAndGoogleCould" title="NewUpdatesFromYahooAndGoogleCould">
<td class="td100" colspan="6" style='text-align: center; vertical-align: top; line-height: 1.5; font-family: "DM Sans", sans-serif; font-size: 32px; color: rgba(22, 35, 62, 1); font-weight: bold; padding: 12px 40px; width: 100%; background-color: rgba(255, 244, 206, 1)'>
These updates from Yahoo and Google could land you in spam
<td class="td100" colspan="6" style='text-align: left; vertical-align: top; font-family: "DM Sans", sans-serif; font-size: 16px; color: rgba(22, 35, 62, 1); line-height: 1.5; width: 100%; background-color: rgba(255, 244, 206, 1); padding: 12px 40px'>
Heads up! Yahoo and Google have begun rolling out some long-awaited updates that will change how you engage with your audience…but if ignored, they could bar you from inboxes.
#1 - Authenticate, authenticate!
If you’re a bulk sender, ensure emails are strongly authenticated by adding SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records to your domains.
#2 - Provide an easy way to unsubscribe
One-click unsubscribe options are needed in all emails, process opt-out requests within two days, and offer options for recipients to manage their preferences easily.
#3 - Check your spam rate
0.30% (2-3 complaints for every thousand emails) is the new limit—so clean your list, and remove disengaged, invalid, or duplicate contacts.
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<div style="text-align: center; list-style-position: inside">
If you need a little guidance to meet these new requirements, clean up your list, or re-engage dormant subscribers, check out
<a href="https://digitalmarketinginstitute.com/blog/google-yahoo-email-changes-what-do-they-mean-for-marketers" style="color: rgba(2, 112, 222, 1); text-decoration: underline" target="_blank">
Google & Yahoo Email Changes 2024: What Do They Mean for Marketers
? 🚀📧
<td class="td100" colspan="6" style='text-align: center; vertical-align: top; line-height: 1.5; padding: 48px 40px 12px; font-family: "DM Sans", sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: rgba(22, 35, 62, 1); font-weight: bold; width: 100%; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1); border-style: none; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: auto'>
<a class="dEditorAnchor" id="SteerClearOfThesePersonalizationSl" name="SteerClearOfThesePersonalizationSl" title="SteerClearOfThesePersonalizationSl">
<td class="td100" colspan="6" style='text-align: center; vertical-align: top; line-height: 1.5; font-family: "DM Sans", sans-serif; font-size: 32px; color: rgba(22, 35, 62, 1); font-weight: bold; padding: 12px 40px; width: 100%; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)'>
Steer clear of these personalization slip-ups
<td class="td100" colspan="6" style='text-align: left; vertical-align: top; font-family: "DM Sans", sans-serif; font-size: 16px; color: rgba(22, 35, 62, 1); line-height: 1.5; width: 100%; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1); padding: 12px 40px'>
What happens when personalization goes awry? Let's dive into the consequences of these mishaps and uncover the four main errors to avoid:
Overdoing personalization
can make recipients uncomfortable. Keep it professional, folks! Avoid being overly familiar or intrusive and focus on enhancing the customer experience rather than crossing boundaries.
Missing out on default content
can leave you hanging when a contact record doesn’t have the data you need for personalization. To avoid this, make sure you have strong, relevant defaults and test multiple contact previews prior to hitting send.
Misusing customer data
can lead to privacy concerns faster than you can say “unsubscribe.” Obtain consent from customers before collecting personal data and be transparent about how you’ll use it. Regularly review protection policies to comply with regulations and build trust with customers.
Ignoring contextual personalization
can leave recipients feeling like they're stuck in a time warp. Personalization isn't just about inserting names, you need to deliver content that's relevant to their needs. Utilize customer data to understand preferences, behavior, and purchase history to avoid sending irrelevant or outdated emails.
<td class="td100" colspan="6" style='text-align: left; vertical-align: top; padding: 12px 40px 48px; font-family: "DM Sans", sans-serif; font-size: 16px; color: rgba(22, 35, 62, 1); line-height: 1.5; width: 100%; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)'>
<div style="text-align: center; list-style-position: inside">
Voila! Maintain professionalism, handle customer data with care, and leverage the latest tech to steer clear of personalization perils. Explore further
<a href="https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/personalisation-pitfalls-common-mistakes-avoid-email-marketing-kono-a5kdc/" style="color: rgba(2, 112, 222, 1); text-decoration: underline" target="_blank">
Personalisation Pitfalls: Common Mistakes to Avoid in Email Marketing
you'll be sailing smoothly through the email marketing seas in no time!
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How to recover from a personalization fail 🔨
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Picture this: you spent hours crafting conditional content for your email blast, every aspect is personalized perfectly—until after you hit send and realize your merge tag for “Hi [First Name]” appears for every sender. Yikes. Here’s how to turn a mistake like that into an opportunity:
Embrace the first name fiasco
Oopsie-daisy on the first name? Own up to the mistake as quickly as possible in a follow-up email (with the right name) and use the opportunity to humanize yourself, there is a person behind your brand emails! In future, include fallback text like "friend" or "valued customer" to personalize.
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Manage location limbo
Missed the mark on location-specific promos? Catch the mistake early, send a quick follow-up asking customers to confirm their store or update preferences, and redirect customers to relevant offers.
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Master the segment slip-up
This mistake can be as subtle as sending a kayak promo to someone who only likes camping—it can also be glaringly obvious when you mix up demographic data or lead status. Review your automations, clean up your data tables, and encourage preference center updates or send out a quiz to demonstrate how much you care about getting ther info right.
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Remember, mistakes happen to the best of us, but it's how we bounce back that truly counts…and gains the confidence of your subscribers. Onward and upward, and more on
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How to Recover from an Email Personalization Mistake
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Hitting the right note: Spotify's email personalization triumph
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Spotify has mastered the art of personalized communication in a win-win situation for both themselves and their subscribers:
Maximizing data
Spotify uses data on user preferences and behavior to craft emails that cater to individual interests. From curated playlists based on listening history to recommendations tailored to specific genres or artists, every email feels like it's made just for you.
Offering exclusivity
Subscribers receive exclusive perks and early access offers, like providing access to new releases before anyone else. It’s great incentive for opening their emails and feels like being part of an exclusive club where your loyalty is appreciated.
Insider connections
Spotify makes subscribers feel connected to their favorite artists through behind-the-scenes content, exclusive interviews, and meet-and-greet opportunities, Spotify creates a community.
And the results speak for themselves. With their personalized email strategy, Spotify can enjoy increased click-through rates, higher engagement levels, and ultimately, happier subscribers.
It's a win-win scenario where both parties benefit: Spotify boosts its brand loyalty and subscriber satisfaction, while users enjoy a tailored music experience like no other. So, here's to email strategies that hit all the right notes–just like Spotify's! 🎵
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One size doesn’t fit all — The Power of Personalization 💪
Personalization is the not-so-secret ingredient of effective email marketing. But not all strateg...