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     Now every Tuesday is Seniors Day with a special in-store hour just for seniors. Share this information with someone who needs it.
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      See below for all offer terms &amp; conditions.
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             <img alt="We're here for our seniors. Introducing new services to keep our seniors safe, supported &amp; connected. Seniors Day is now every Tuesday, so those 55+ can enjoy up to 30% off in store or online on the items they need most." border="0" class="emailwrapto100pc" height="435" src="" style="width:640px; height:435px; display:block;" width="640"/>
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             <img alt="Seniors-only hour. If you must come in store, 8am-9am every Tuesday is dedicated to seniors only" border="0" class="emailwrapto100pc" height="172" src="" style="width:640px; height:172px; display:block;" width="640"/>
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            <img alt="Senior check-ins. We care. That's why our pharmacists are calling seniors to check in &amp; offer support." border="0" class="emailwrapto100pc" height="251" src="" style="width:640px; height:251px; display:block;" width="640"/>
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           <td align="center" width="600">
             <img alt="Drive-thru shopping. Pull up &amp; shop essentials during regular store hours at our drive-thrus." border="0" class="emailwrapto100pc" height="187" src="" style="width:640px; height:187px; display:block;" width="640"/>
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            <img alt="Keep distance. Stay connected." border="0" class="emailwrapto100pc" height="145" src="" style="width:640px; height:145px; display:block;" width="640"/>
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             <img alt="Consult with a health care provider online." border="0" class="emailwrapto100pc" height="269" src="" style="width:320px; height:269px; display:block;" width="320"/>
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             <img alt="Get advice on medications for symptoms" border="0" class="emailwrapto100pc" height="269" src="" style="width:320px; height:269px; display:block;" width="320"/>
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             <img alt="Free shipping on essentials, no minimum." border="0" class="emailwrapto100pc" height="269" src="" style="width:320px; height:269px; display:block;" width="320"/>
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            <img alt="Let's take care of each other. Please share this information with the seniors &amp; caregivers in your life &amp; community." border="0" class="emailwrapto100pc" height="157" src="" style="width:640px; height:157px; display:block;" width="640"/>
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            Offer details
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            Offer valid March 24, 2020 in store with Balance® Rewards card to members 55 years of age or older and all AARP members. 30% discount is available for the following Walgreens family of brands: A Little Something™, Big Roll™, Complete Home™, Dashing Fine Gifts®, Finest® Nutrition, Infinitive®, Living Solutions®, Modern Expressions®, Nice!®, Patriot Candles®, PetShoppe™, Play Right®, Smile &amp; Save®, Walgreens, Walgreens seasonal brands, Well Beginnings®, West Loop®, and Wexford®. Proof of age may be required. Discount not valid on alcohol, dairy, tobacco, stamps, gift cards, newspapers, magazines, money orders/transfers, transportation passes, lottery tickets, charitable donations, pseudoephedrine or ephedrine products, clinic services, prescriptions, pharmacy items or services, sales tax, the Prescription Savings Club membership fee, and items or services submitted to insurance for reimbursement or where otherwise limited by law. Offer is not combinable with Buy 1 get 1 FREE, Buy 1 get 1 50% off, or Buy 2 get 3rd FREE. Offer does not apply to bulk orders, back-ordered items, and out-of-stock items. AARP receives a royalty for the use of its intellectual property. Amounts paid are used for the general purposes of AARP and its members.
             20% Off:
            Offer available only on
            . Must be logged into your account in order to redeem.
            available online, valid up to 1 use per order, 1 use per account on applicable regular priced national brand products. Offer does not apply to Walgreens brand, Finest® Nutrition, Finest® Nutrition Free &amp; Pure, Well Beginnings®, Complete Home™, Nice!®, Patriot Candles®, Living Solutions®, PetShoppe™, Big Roll™, Smile &amp; Save®, Infinitive®, Play Right®, A Little Something™, Modern Expressions®, Dashing®, Wexford®, West Loop®, Festive Voice, Birchbox Shop products, CBD products, Alli Weight Loss Aid, Similac, Enfamil, Deals of The Week, Hasbro, Marvel, Philips Norelco, Philips Sonicare, Schiff Move Free, select Luxury Beauty Brands, Select As Seen On TV products, Walgreens Ready Response, all Electronics, select Medical Nutrition products, Fairhaven, FertilAid, Fertili Tea, Fertile Focus, select Drive Medical, Prescription Savings Club membership fee, Pharmacy, Photo Orders, Gift Cards, Taxes or Shipping Charges. Code must be entered at time of checkout to apply discount. Code cannot be combined with any other promotional codes. Orders must be placed by 11:59 p.m. Central Time March 24, 2020 to qualify. Timing is determined by Walgreens server clock. This offer does not apply to bulk orders, back ordered items, and out of stock items. Not redeemable for cash or transferable, and void where prohibited. Walgreens reserves the right to make changes to or discontinue this offer at any time.
             30% Off:
            Offer available only on
            . Must be logged into your account in order to redeem.
            available online, valid up to 1 use per order, 1 use per account on applicable regular priced Walgreens owned brand products including Walgreens, Finest® Nutrition, Finest® Nutrition Free &amp; Pure, Well Beginnings®, Complete Home™, Nice!®, Patriot Candles®, Living Solutions®, PetShoppe™, Big Roll™, Smile &amp; Save®, Infinitive®, Play Right®, A Little Something™, Modern Expressions®, Dashing®, Wexford®, West Loop® and Festive Voice. Offer does not apply to Prescription Savings Club membership fee, Pharmacy, Photo Orders, Gift Cards, Taxes or Shipping Charges. Code must be entered at time of checkout to apply discount. Code cannot be combined with any other promotional codes. Orders must be placed by 11:59 p.m. Central Time March 24, 2020 to qualify. Timing is determined by Walgreens server clock. This offer does not apply to bulk orders, back ordered items, and out of stock items. Not redeemable for cash or transferable, and void where prohibited. Walgreens reserves the right to make changes to or discontinue this offer at any time.
             Seniors-only hour:
            Senior hours are available to senior citizen customers and patients age 55 and over every Tuesday starting March 24, 2020 from 8:00 am to 9:00 am, for a limited time period until further notice by Walgreens.  Pharmacy hours may vary by location.
             Drive-thru Shopping:
            Select products available at Walgreens locations with drive thrus. Products are subject to availability and purchase quantity restrictions apply.
             Find Care online:
            Walgreens Find Care is not available in Puerto Rico and is not intended for use in medical emergencies. If you have an emergency, call 911. All healthcare organizations listed have contracted with Walgreens to be listed on these webpages and to display information that they have provided about their services. All healthcare services are provided solely by independent healthcare provider organization listed, per their own policies and terms. Healthcare provider organizations and their respective healthcare providers are not employees or agents of Walgreens or any Walgreens subsidiary or affiliate company. Information about the listed healthcare organizations and their respective services is provided by the particular organization, and should not be viewed as a recommendation, endorsement, or guarantee by Walgreens. Walgreens is not responsible for and disclaims all liability for the listed provider services.
             Pharmacy chat:
            Pharmacy chat is not intended for use in medical emergencies. If you are in need of immediate medical attention, contact your physician, poison control center or emergency medical professional. If you need to speak with a pharmacist for urgent matters, contact your local Walgreens pharmacist. The information provided is not a substitute for medical advice from your physician.
             Rx Delivery:
            Free prescription delivery is offered through Walgreens Express on eligible prescriptions only. Free delivery available for a limited time only. Certain health plans do not cover, or participate in, this service. Check with your health plan for further details. Some delivery restrictions also apply. For details talk to your Walgreens pharmacist or see
             Free Standard Shipping:
            Free standard shipping on all orders, excluding photo products. Weight restrictions apply. See
            for more information. Walgreens reserves the right to make changes to or discontinue this offer at any time.
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