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                                © 2020 GREEN CHEF
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                                Offer valid for new consumers on a qualifying order. Promotion and/or offer not valid on prior purchases, taxes or processing charges. Consumer must pay any applicable sales tax. To qualify, consumer will receive $30 off plus free shipping on the first (1) box, and $20 off the second box(2) and $10 off the third (3) box. Free shipping is on the first box and a shipping fee of approximately $7.99 shall apply on all deliveries thereafter. First box must be redeemed by 6/6/20 11:59PM EST. Offer may not be combined with any other sale, promotion, discount, code, credit, coupon, and/or offer. Promotions and/or offers have no cash value. Offer cannot be sold or otherwise bartered. Void where prohibited, taxed or otherwise restricted. Green Chef has the right to end or modify any promotion and/or offer at any time. Other restrictions may apply. For more details, please visit our website:
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