
Create an inbox to save and track emails. It's free!

+New inbox

<!--===== Delta Air Lines Global Template ====-->
<!--===== Version 04.12.2024 ====-->
<!--- 03/21/2024: Added additional Body Content Blocks for transferring TRAN email content. Updated logo header and VAP links to fix rendering issues on mobile. --->
<!--- 04/12/2024: Updated logo header and VAP sections to fix rendering issues on Outlook, Android iOS, and iPhone. --->
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   Delta Air Lines
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                     60,000 bonus miles*
                    with the Delta SkyMiles
                    Gold American Express Card. Plus, you can earn a
                     $200 Delta Flight Credit
                    to get a head-start on your next adventure, compliments of your Card. See more below.
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                     <span style="font-size: 12px;">
                      *After you spend $3,000 in purchases on your new Delta SkyMiles
                      Gold American Express Card in the first 6 months. Offer ends June 5, 2024.
                      Enjoy an introductory annual fee of $0 for the first year, then $150.
                      <a data-linkto="https://" style="text-decoration:underline;" title="">
                       <span style="font-size: 12px;font-weight: normal;">
                        Rates &amp; Fees.
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                             <span style="font-weight:normal">
                              <span style="text-transform: uppercase;">
                               <span style="color: #E1AB44;">
                                 Welcome Bonus
                                 Miles Offer:
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                            <h2 style="margin:0; color:#0B1F66; line-height:110% !important; font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-weight:normal !important; font-size: 32px !important;">
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                             <span style="color:#0b1f66 !important;">
                              <span style="text-transform: uppercase;">
                               Total After Earning
                               Welcome Offer:
                           <td style="text-align: right;" valign="middle">
                            <h2 style="margin:0; padding: 12px 0px 0px 0px !important; color:#0B1F66; line-height:110% !important; font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-weight:bold;font-size: 20px !important;">
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                                LEARN MORE
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                          <span style="font-size: 11px;">
                           For your current miles balance, please visit
                           <a data-linkto="//" style="text-decoration:none;" title="">
                            <span style="font-size: 11px;">
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                   <img alt="GET MORE AS A CARD MEMBER" data-assetid="83279" height="40" src="" style="display: block; padding: 0px; text-align: center; height: 40px; width: 553px; border: 0px;" width="553"/>
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                                <span style="color:#FFFFFF; font-size: 18px;">
                                  Save $200 on Your Next Flight
                                 <span style="color:#FFFFFF; font-size: 16px;">
                                  After you spend $10,000 in purchases on your Card in a calendar year, you can receive a
                                   $200 Delta Flight Credit
                                  to inspire your next travel.
                                  <!--[if mso]></span><![endif]-->
                                  <!--[if !mso]><!-->
                     <td style="width: 50%; padding-left: 10px;" valign="top">
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                                <img alt="Delta Stays Icon" data-assetid="83278" height="67" src="" style="padding: 5px; height: 67px; width: 48px; text-align: center; border: 0px;" width="48"/>
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                                <span style="color:#FFFFFF; font-size: 18px;">
                                  Save on Hotel Stays
                                 <span style="color:#FFFFFF; font-size: 16px;">
                                  Get up to $100 back per year as a statement credit after using your Card to book prepaid hotels or vacation rentals through Delta Stays on
                                  <a data-linkto="https://" style="text-decoration:none;color:#FFFFFF;" title="">
                                  <!--[if mso]></span><![endif]-->
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                   1. You can earn 60,000 bonus miles after you make $3,000 or more (the "Threshold Amount") in eligible purchases on your Delta SkyMiles
                   Gold American Express Card within your first 6 months of Card Membership starting from the date that your account is opened. Miles will be credited to your account 8-12 weeks after you reach the Threshold Amount. Bonus Miles may appear on your account in more than one deposit. To receive the 60,000 bonus miles, your Card account must not be canceled or past due at the time of fulfillment. Eligible purchases can be made by the Basic Card Member and any Additional Card Members on a single Card account. Eligible purchases are purchases for goods and services minus returns and other credits. Eligible purchases to meet the spend requirement do NOT include fees or interest charges, cash
 advances, purchases of traveler's checks, purchases or reloading of prepaid cards, purchases of gift cards, person-to-person payments, or purchases of any cash equivalents. Additional Card Members on your account are not eligible for their own offer. ​
                   In rare instances, your period to spend $3,000 may be shorter than 6 months if there is a delay in receiving your Card. Also, purchases may fall outside of the 6 month period in some cases, such as a delay in merchants submitting transactions to us or if the purchase date differs from the date you made the transaction. (For example, if you buy goods online, the purchase date may be the date the goods are shipped). ​
                   If we in our sole discretion determine that you have engaged in abuse, misuse, or gaming in connection with this offer in any way or that you intend to do so (for example, if you applied for one or more cards to obtain an offer(s) that we did not intend for you; if you cancel or downgrade your account within 12 months after acquiring it; or if you cancel or return purchases you made to meet the Threshold Amount), we may not credit, we may freeze, or we may take away bonus miles from your account. We may also cancel this Card account and other Card accounts you may have with us. ​
                   This offer is not transferable. If your application is not received by 06/05/2024, we will not process your application even if we later receive your application. American Express reserves the right to modify or revoke offer at any time. ​
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                    $200 Delta Flight Credit
                   If, in any calendar year, eligible purchases on the Delta SkyMiles Gold or Gold Business American Express Card Account total $10,000 or more (the “Purchase Requirement”), the Basic Card Member will receive a $200 Delta eCredit (the “Credit”) in their SkyMiles account that can be used toward a Delta flight purchase. Delta flight purchases are limited to purchases of Delta-marketed flights made on
                   <a data-linkto="https://" style="text-decoration:underline;display: inline-block;" title="">
                   or with Delta Reservations. The Credit may be applied toward the Delta airfare portion of a Delta Vacations package. The Credit is only valid for payment of tickets, including fare, surcharge and government-imposed taxes and fees imposed on the air transportation. It is not valid for other types of fees (including bag fees, change fees, upgrades or other ancillary purchases or fees with Delta), and it does not have any cash value. The Credit expires within one year from the date of issuance and must be redeemed on or before the expiration date. If the value of the Credit is greater than the flight purchased, the Card Member will be able to use the residual value in another
 transaction before the expiration date. The Credit will be issued as a Delta eCredit, which will be available in “My Profile” on
                   <a data-linkto="https://" style="text-decoration:underline;display: inline-block;" title="">
                   under “Certificates, eCredits, and Vouchers.” Visit
                   <a data-linkto="https://" style="text-decoration:underline;display: inline-block;" title="">
                   for more information about redemption options. The certificate number, a redemption code, and redemption instructions will also be sent to the email address listed on your Delta SkyMiles account. Limit one Credit per calendar year per Card Account. Please allow up to 2 weeks after reaching the Purchase Requirement for the Credit to be issued. On rare occasions (for example, when the name on your SkyMiles account doesn’t match the name on your Amex account), the timing of the deposit could be delayed. The Credit is non-transferable from one Delta SkyMiles Member's account to another but can be applied towards someone else's ticket without limitation. The Credit may be
 combined with up to 2 other Delta eCredits. If the Basic Card Member transfers from a different Delta SkyMiles Card product to the Delta SkyMiles Gold Card, any eligible purchases made on the prior Card Account during the calendar year will count toward the Purchase Requirement, after the first transaction on the new Card Account. The Credit may be redeemed for Delta flights purchased in currencies other than United States Dollars and will be converted to the currency of the country of payment at the Bankers Rate of Exchange in effect on the date of ticket issuance, and the rate of exchange must be indicated on the ticket.
                   The benefit is only available to the Basic Card Member; however, eligible purchases made by Additional Card Members will contribute to the Purchase Requirement. Eligible purchases are purchases for goods and services minus returns and other credits. Eligible purchases do NOT include fees or interest charges, cash advances, purchases of traveler’s checks, purchases of gift cards, person-to-person transactions, purchases or reloading of prepaid cards, or purchases of other cash equivalents. American Express relies on the transaction date submitted to us by the merchant, which may differ from the date you make a purchase, to determine whether the purchase counts toward the Purchase
 Requirement in that calendar year. This means that in some cases your purchases may not count toward the Purchase Requirement in the year in which you made the purchases. For example, if you make a purchase on December 31 and the merchant lists the transaction date as January 1 when they submit the transaction data to us, your purchase will be counted in the calendar year which began on that January 1. Additional terms, conditions and restrictions apply. See
                   <a data-linkto="https://" style="text-decoration:underline;display: inline-block;" title="">
                   for details.
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                   3. The introductory annual fee for the Delta SkyMiles
                   Gold American Express Card will be $0 for the first year of Card Membership. After that, the annual fee will be $150.
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                    $100 Delta Stays Credit:
                   Basic Delta SkyMiles Gold American Express Card Members can earn up to $100 in statement credits per calendar year when a Basic Card or an Additional Card on the Account is used to pay for a new Delta Stays prepaid hotel or vacation rental booking on the Delta Stays platform (
                   <a data-linkto="https://" style="text-decoration:underline;display: inline-block;" title="">
                   ) (each, an “Eligible Delta Stays Booking”).
                   Purchases by both the Basic Card Member and any Additional Card Members on the Card Account are eligible for statement credits. However, the total amount of statement credits for Eligible Delta Stays Bookings will not exceed $100 on the Card Account per calendar year. Eligible Delta Stays Booking does not include interest charges, cancellation fees, property fees, resort fees, or other similar fees, or any charges by a property to you (whether for your booking, your stay or otherwise). American Express relies on the merchant’s processing of transactions to determine the transaction date. The transaction date may differ from the date you made the purchase if, for example, there is a
 delay in the merchant submitting the transaction to us or if the merchant uses another date as the transaction date. This means that in some cases your purchase may not earn the statement credit benefit for the benefit period in which you made the purchase. For example, if an eligible purchase is made on December 31st but the merchant processes the transaction such that it is identified to us as occurring on January 1st, the January statement credit would be applied. For additional information on Delta Stays, visit
                   <a data-linkto="https://" style="text-decoration:underline;display: inline-block;" title="">
                   . The Delta Stays program is subject to change, and American Express has no control over those changes. Bookings through Delta Vacations and products other than prepaid hotels and vacation rentals booked through Delta Stays will not qualify for statement credits. Statement credits may not be received or may be reversed if the booking is cancelled or modified. Please allow up to 90 days after an eligible charge is posted to the Card Account for the applicable statement credits to be posted to the Card Account. Call the number on the back of the Card if statement credits have not posted by that time, or for additional information. To be eligible for this benefit, the Card Account must not
 be cancelled or past due at the time of statement credit fulfillment. If American Express does not receive information that identifies your transaction as eligible, the Basic Card Member will not receive the statement credits. Prepaid hotels and vacation rentals available through the Delta Stays platform are subject to change. If American Express, in its sole discretion, determines that you have engaged in or intend to engage in any manner of abuse, misuse, or gaming in connection with this benefit, American Express will not have an obligation to provide and may reverse any statement credits provided to you.
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                    Miles on Eligible Purchases:
                    1x Mile on eligible purchases
                   : You will earn 1 mile for each dollar of eligible purchases charged on your Card.
                    2x Miles at U.S. Supermarkets
                   : You will earn 1 additional mile (for a total of 2 miles) for each dollar of eligible purchases charged at supermarkets located in the United States. Superstores, convenience stores, warehouse clubs, and meal-kit delivery services are not considered supermarkets.
                    2x Miles at Restaurants
                   : You will earn 1 additional mile (for a total of 2 miles) for each dollar of eligible purchases charged at restaurants worldwide. You may not get additional miles for purchases at a restaurant located within another establishment (e.g. a restaurant located inside a hotel, casino, or event venue) or for purchases made through third-party food delivery services outside of the U.S. For example, purchases made at a restaurant located within a hotel may be recognized as a purchase at a hotel, not a restaurant. You will not earn additional miles for purchases at bars, nightclubs, cafeterias, and convenience stores.
                    2x Miles on Delta Purchases
                   : You will earn 1 additional mile (for a total of 2 miles) on each dollar of eligible purchases charged directly with Delta (“Delta Purchases”). Delta Purchases are eligible purchases where Delta is the merchant of record, such as purchases via
                   <a data-linkto="//" style="text-decoration:underline;display: inline-block;" title="">
                   , the Fly Delta app, phone reservations, or ticket counters, such as upgrades, miles, seat selection, Delta Sky Club
                   membership, and in-flight purchases of food, alcoholic beverages and audio headsets on Delta-operated flights. Delta Purchases do not include other in-flight purchases where Delta is not the merchant of record, such as in-flight wireless internet access and charitable contributions. Delta Gift Cards and purchases made at
                   <a data-linkto="https://" style="text-decoration:underline;display: inline-block;" title="">
                   and/or the Delta Flight Museum do not qualify. Delta Purchases include Delta Vacations
                   packages but not other all-inclusive packages. Delta Purchases include purchases of qualifying Delta, Delta Connection
                   carrier and Delta Shuttle
                   flights taken with the purchase of a fare that is eligible for SkyMiles mileage credit. For purposes of this Card benefit, “Delta Purchases” also includes Delta Basic Economy fares, notwithstanding that these fares do not earn SkyMiles mileage credit for travel. Full terms:
                   <a data-linkto="https://" style="text-decoration:underline;display: inline-block;" title="">
                   . Additional miles earned for Delta flight purchases made with the Card will be based on the total ticket price, including base fare, carrier-imposed surcharges and government-imposed taxes and fees.
                   Eligible purchases mean purchases for goods and services minus returns and other credits. Eligible purchases do NOT include fees or interest charges, cash advances, purchases of travelers checks, purchases of gift cards, person-to-person transactions, purchases or reloading of prepaid cards, or purchases of other cash equivalents. Miles will be posted to your Delta SkyMiles account 8 to 12 weeks after the end of each month. To be eligible to receive miles, your Card account must not be canceled or past due at the time of fulfillment.
                   Merchants are assigned codes based on what they primarily sell. We group certain merchant codes into categories that are eligible for additional miles. A purchase with a merchant will not receive additional miles if the merchant’s code is not included in a reward category. You may not receive additional miles if we receive inaccurate information or are otherwise unable to identify your purchase as eligible for a reward category. For example, you may not receive additional miles when: a merchant uses a third-party to sell their products or services; or a merchant uses a third-party to process or submit your transaction to us (e.g., using mobile or wireless card readers); or you
 choose to make a purchase using a third-party payment account or make a purchase using a mobile or digital wallet. Additional terms and restrictions may apply.
                   Please visit
                   <a data-linkto="https://" style="text-decoration:underline;display: inline-block;" target="_blank" title="">
                   for more information about rewards.
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                  <p style="margin: 0; padding: 0;color:#7C828A; font-size:12px; mso-line-height-rule: exactly; line-height:130%; font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 12px;">
                    First Bag Free:
                   Benefit is limited to Basic Card Members (not Additional Card Members) with the Delta SkyMiles
                   Gold American Express Card, Delta SkyMiles
                   Platinum American Express Card or Delta SkyMiles
                   Reserve American Express Card. Reservation must include the Basic Card Member’s SkyMiles number. Fee waiver also available for passengers traveling in the same reservation as the Basic Card Member. Maximum nine waivers per reservation. New Card Members and Card Members upgrading from another Delta SkyMiles Card product will be eligible for the checked baggage fee waiver benefit after receiving their Card from American Express. The first checked bag fee waiver will only be applied on flight segments which originate on a Delta or Delta Connection
                   carrier when you check-in with Delta for both a Delta marketed and Delta operated flight. Waiver is only for normal bag fee, if any, for the first checked bag that is not overweight and not oversize under Delta’s applicable rules as set forth in Delta’s contract of carriage. Additional terms, conditions and restrictions may apply. See
                   <a data-linkto="https://" style="text-decoration:underline;display: inline-block;" title="">
                   for details.
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                   All SkyMiles program rules apply. To review the rules, please visit
                   <a data-linkto="https://" style="text-decoration:underline;display: inline-block;" title="">
                    Membership Guide &amp; Program Rules
                   . Prices and rules are subject to change without notice. Delta, SkyMiles, and the Delta logo are registered service marks of Delta Air Lines, Inc. Delta is not responsible for goods or services offered by any companies participating in miles promotions. Partner offers subject to the terms and conditions of each individual offer. See individual offers for details. Partners subject to change. Offers void where prohibited by law. Other restrictions may apply.
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