
Create an inbox to save and track emails. It's free!

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   Delta Air Lines
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/* Centers email on Android 4.4 */
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/* A work-around for Samsung Mail meddling in triggered links. */
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   Plus, earn 90K Bonus Miles and enhance your travel experience.
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                View as a Web Page
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                   You Know Adventure Is
                   Better Together
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                 <span style="color:#0B1F66;font-size:20px; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;">
                  With the Delta SkyMiles
                  Platinum American Express Card, you’ll receive a
                   Companion Certificate
                  on Main Cabin domestic, Caribbean, or Central American roundtrip flights each year after renewal of your Card.*
                   Plus, you can earn 90,000 bonus miles**
                   with this limited time offer.
            <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="stylingblock-content-wrapper" role="presentation" style="background-color: transparent; min-width: 100%; " width="100%">
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                      TAKE A LOOK
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                 <span style="font-size: 11px;">
                  *The Companion Ticket requires payment of government-imposed taxes and fees of no more than $80 for roundtrip domestic flights and no more than $250 for roundtrip international flights (both for itineraries with up to four flight segments). Baggage charges and other restrictions apply. See terms and conditions for details.
                  **After you spend $4,000 in purchases on your new Delta SkyMiles
                  Platinum American Express Card in the first 6 months. Offer ends March 27, 2024.
                  $350 annual fee.
                  <a data-linkto="https://" style="text-decoration:underline;" title="">
                   <span style="font-size: 11px; font-weight: normal;">
                    Rates &amp; Fees.
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                   <img alt="WITH THE DELTA SKYMILES® PLATINUM CARD YOU CAN" data-assetid="74915" src="" style="display: block; padding: 0px; text-align: center; height: auto; width: 100%;" width="600"/>
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                     <span style="color:#003366;">
                      <span style="font-size:24px;">
                       <span style="font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;">
                        TAKE OFF FOR ADVENTURE
                   <p style="height: 2px; background-color: #C01933; width: 100px;">
                   <p style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; color: #0B1F66; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; line-height: 1.3; text-align: left;">
                    <span style="font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;">
                     <span style="font-size:18px;">
                      <span style="color:#0B1F66;">
                       Card Members
                        take 15% off
                       when using miles to book Award Travel on Delta flights through
                       <a data-linkto="https://" style="text-decoration:none; font-size:18px;" title="">
                       and the Fly Delta app.***
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                       <span style="color:#003366;">
                        <span style="font-size:24px;">
                         <span style="font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;">
                           GET WHERE YOU NEED TO GO
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                        <span style="font-size:18px; color: #E51937;">
                        <span style="font-size:18px;">
                         Get rewarded to and from the airport. Earn up to
                          $10 in statement credits
                         each month after using your Card on U.S.
                         purchases with select providers.
                         <a data-linkto="//" style="text-decoration:none; font-size:18px;" title="">
                         Enrollment required.
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                     <span style="color:#003366;">
                      <span style="font-size:24px;">
                       <span style="font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;">
                        AND MULTIPLY YOUR MILES
                   <p style="height: 2px; background-color: #C01933; width: 100px;">
                   <p style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; color: #0B1F66; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; line-height: 1.3; text-align: left;">
                    <span style="font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;">
                     <span style="font-size:18px;">
                      <span style="color:#0B1F66;">
                       Use your Card to earn
                        3X miles
                       on purchases made directly with Delta, and
                        2X miles
                       at restaurants &amp; at U.S. Supermarkets.
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                      EXPLORE ALL BENEFITS
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                 <span style="font-size: 11px;">
                  ***Discount not applicable to partner-operated flights or to taxes and fees.
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                    Apply online
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                  or call
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                  Consumer Card POID: K6SK:9990
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                   Terms and Conditions
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                  Rates and Fees
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                  Companion Certificate:
                 Basic Card Members with a Delta SkyMiles Platinum or Platinum Business American Express Card will receive a Companion Certificate each year after Card Account renewal, eligible for use on Delta, Delta Connection carrier and Delta Shuttle flights only (excludes all other Delta-designated codeshare flights). Companion Certificate is valid for one roundtrip Main Cabin Companion ticket with the purchase of certain adult roundtrip fares on published routings originating within the United States, Puerto Rico or the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI) to the following destinations: the United States, Puerto Rico, USVI, Mexico, Antigua, Aruba, Bermuda, Bonaire, Grand Cayman, Cuba, Jamaica, Bahamas, Turks
 and Caicos, Dominican Republic, Saint Kitts, St. Maarten, St. Lucia, Costa Rica, Belize, Guatemala, Panama, Honduras, and El Salvador. Qualifying tickets must be operated by Delta or its Delta Connection carriers and are limited to Delta-served airports; routes, frequencies and destinations offered by Delta are subject to change at any time in Delta’s sole discretion without prior notice. It is the responsibility of the passenger to be in possession of all necessary documentation (e.g., valid passport, visa where applicable) at the time and place of departure. Travel to Cuba is subject to compliance with applicable law. Each year, the Companion Certificate will be made available for
 redemption on
                 <a data-linkto="https://" style="text-decoration:underline;" title="">
                 in your Card Account renewal month. If the Basic Card Member’s Account anniversary month changes (for example, due to a Card replacement), the Companion Certificate will be awarded annually within the new Card Account renewal month. Reservations are only available at
                 <a data-linkto="https://" style="text-decoration:underline;" title="">
                 Companion Certificate terms and conditions may vary each year of Card Membership. Additional restrictions apply.
                 A Companion ticket requires payment of government-imposed taxes and fees of no more than $80 for roundtrip domestic flights (for itineraries with up to four flight segments), and no more than $250 for roundtrip international flights to the eligible destinations (for itineraries with up to four flight segments). Taxes and fees depend on the itinerary. Checked bag fees apply. These allowances are subject to size/weight limits. Contact a Delta agent or visit
                 <a data-linkto="https://" style="text-decoration:underline;" title="">
                 for details. Taxes and fees are subject to change, are the responsibility of the passenger and must be paid at the time the Primary ticket is purchased and the Companion ticket is issued.
                 Redemption is available only on
                 <a data-linkto="https://" style="text-decoration:underline;" title="">
                 . Companion Certificate and Delta eCredits can be combined in the same transaction. Delta eCredits can be applied as payment toward cost of the Primary ticket, Companion ticket, and any government-imposed taxes and fees. The eCredit must match the name of the traveler whose ticket is being purchased. The certificate cannot be combined with another offer or discount including, but not limited to, web fares, sale fares and eCoupons. Both passengers must be booked at the same time, in the same class of service and in the same record. Tickets are only available in L, U, T, X, and V classes of service for Main Cabin travel. Tickets may not be available on all flights or markets. Companion
 Certificates are eligible for Complimentary Upgrades, subject to availability on flights where Complimentary Upgrades are made available to Medallion Members, SkyMiles Program Rules, and Medallion Benefit terms and policies in effect at the time of travel. Most fares require an advance purchase of up to 14 days, a 3-night minimum stay and a 30-day maximum stay. All fare rules, restrictions, advance purchase requirements, and availability are per rule of Primary ticket fare purchased. Companion tickets are not transferable. Primary ticket and Companion ticket must be purchased with your Delta SkyMiles Platinum or Platinum Business Card and/or eCredits. Additional restrictions apply. Visit
                 <a data-linkto="https://" style="text-decoration:underline;" title="">
                 for more information. Both passengers must be booked on the same flights and dates, at the same time. Travel for Companion Certificate must be booked and completed (i.e., fully flown) by the date on the front of certificate. Validity is not based on calendar year. Primary ticket will accrue miles. Companion ticket will not accrue miles. Tickets are eligible for Global or Regional Upgrade Certificates but not eligible for mileage upgrades. Companion Certificate is void if reproduced, altered, counterfeited, obtained or used improperly, or where prohibited by law. Companion Certificate has no value except when redeemed in accordance with all terms and conditions of this offer. Companion
 Certificate is for new purchases only and cannot be applied to the cost of miscellaneous charge orders or previously issued tickets. Companion Certificate will be deemed fully used once tickets have been issued and will not be returned or replaced. Companion Certificate is the property of Delta Air Lines and must be surrendered or returned upon request. Delta reserves the right to cancel, rescind, or void any Companion Certificate if the Card is cancelled or downgraded within 60 days of the date that the Annual Fee is billed to the Card. Fares, fees, schedules, offers and rules are subject to change without notice. Terms and conditions of this offer are as written and cannot be altered,
 modified or waived unless authorized by a corporate officer of Delta Air Lines, Inc. All Delta SkyMiles program rules apply. To review the rules, please visit
                 <a data-linkto="https://" style="text-decoration:underline;" title="">
                  Routing/Blackout Dates:
                 Stopovers, open jaws, and circle trips are not permitted. Blackout dates subject to the rules of the Primary ticket fare purchased.
                  Cancellations/Ticket Changes/Reissuance:
                 If the Primary ticket or the Companion ticket is cancelled, both tickets will be cancelled and the Companion ticket will not be reissued. Subject to the fare rules of the Primary ticket, the value of the Primary ticket, less any fare difference, may be applied to future travel. Cancellations are subject to the rules of the fare purchased. Neither a new Companion Certificate nor Companion ticket will be issued upon a cancellation. If the Primary ticket and Companion ticket are changed after issuance, subject to the fare rules of the Primary ticket, there will be a charge for the fare difference of the Primary ticket. Changes are subject to the rules of the fare purchased and are subject to
 seat availability. After travel has commenced, rerouting is not permitted.
                 The Companion Certificate is transferable. Primary ticket and Companion ticket are not transferable once issued. Companion Certificate may not be bartered or sold. Companion Certificates or Companion tickets acquired through prohibited sale/barter transactions are void and will not be honored for travel. In the event of flight irregularities and/or cancellations, alternative flights will be on Delta only.
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                 1. You can earn 90,000 bonus miles after you make $4,000 or more (the "Threshold Amount") in eligible purchases on your Delta SkyMiles
                 Platinum American Express Card within your first 6 months of Card Membership starting from the date that your account is opened. Miles will be credited to your account 8-12 weeks after you reach the Threshold Amount. Bonus Miles may appear on your account in more than one deposit. To receive the 90,000 bonus miles, your Card account must not be canceled or past due at the time of fulfillment. Eligible purchases can be made by the Basic Card Member and any Additional Card Members on a single Card account. Eligible purchases are purchases for goods and services minus returns and other credits. Eligible purchases to meet the spend
 requirement do NOT include fees or interest charges, cash advances, purchases of traveler's checks, purchases or reloading of prepaid cards, purchases of gift cards, person-to-person payments, or purchases of any cash equivalents. Additional Card Members on your account are not eligible for their own offer.
                 In rare instances, your period to spend $4,000 may be shorter than 6 months if there is a delay in receiving your Card. Also, purchases may fall outside of the 6 month period in some cases, such as a delay in merchants submitting transactions to us or if the purchase date differs from the date you made the transaction. (For example, if you buy goods online, the purchase date may be the date the goods are shipped).
                 If we in our sole discretion determine that you have engaged in abuse, misuse, or gaming in connection with this offer in any way or that you intend to do so (for example, if you applied for one or more cards to obtain an offer(s) that we did not intend for you; if you cancel or downgrade your account within 12 months after acquiring it; or if you cancel or return purchases you made to meet the Threshold Amount), we may not credit, we may freeze, or we may take away bonus miles from your account. We may also cancel this Card account and other Card accounts you may have with us.
                 This offer is not transferable. If your application is not received by 03/27/2024, we will not process your application even if we later receive your application. American Express reserves the right to modify or revoke offer at any time.
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                  TakeOff 15
                 Basic Delta SkyMiles Gold, Platinum and Reserve American Express Card Members, as well as Basic Delta SkyMiles Gold, Platinum and Reserve Business American Express Card Members (each, an “Eligible Card”), can get at least a fifteen percent (15%) discount off the mileage portion of an Award Ticket (the “TakeOff 15” benefit). Additional Card Members are not eligible.
                 Available only if entire itinerary is on Delta and Delta Connection
                 carrier-operated and ticketed flights booked at
                 <a data-linkto="https://" style="text-decoration:underline;" title="">
                 or the FlyDelta app. Not available on flights operated by other carriers. Not available for Pay with Miles, Miles + Cash, seat upgrades purchased after the initial flight booking, or other Delta products or services. Discount only applies to the mileage portion of the Award Ticket fare and does not apply to applicable taxes and fees which must be paid using the Eligible Card. Card Member must be logged-in to a SkyMiles account linked to an Eligible Card to receive the TakeOff 15 benefit discount. Mileage discount will be greater than or equal to 15% of the overall miles portion for the Award Ticket. An Award Ticket is a ticket issued by Delta pursuant to the SkyMiles Program Rules, by
 which SkyMiles members may redeem miles and pay applicable government-imposed taxes and fees in exchange for air transportation. All Award Ticket rules apply, as set forth on
                 <a data-linkto="https://" style="text-decoration:underline;" title="">
                 and in the specific terms incorporated into your Award Ticket. Award Travel is defined as travel using an Award Ticket. Award Travel seats are limited and may not be available on all flights or in all markets.
                 SkyMiles account balance must have sufficient miles for the entire Award Ticket(s) being purchased. TakeOff 15 benefit is not combinable with certificates, Delta eCredits, Delta Gift Cards, vouchers, or with any other discounts or promotional offers.
                  Award Ticket Taxes/Fees:
                 Award Ticket taxes and fees include only U.S. excise and departure/arrival taxes, airport charges, segment fees, the September 11th Security Fee, and international taxes and fees normally included in the Award Ticket.
                  Award Ticket Cancellations and Changes:
                 In the event of a voluntary cancellation of the Award Ticket to which the TakeOff 15 benefit was applied, redeemed miles will be redeposited into the Card Member’s SkyMiles account, except for Basic Economy tickets. Current Award Ticket redeposit fees apply. Basic Economy cancellations will result in cancellation charge assessed in miles, as outlined in fare rules. Remaining miles after deduction of the cancellation charge will be redeposited to Card Member’s SkyMiles account. There is no discount applicable to the cancellation charge.
                 If changing an Award Ticket after ticketing, discount is applied to the new Award Ticket (if eligible), and the difference in miles will be deducted from the Card Member’s SkyMiles account (if the new Award Ticket mileage amount is higher) or redeposited into the Card Member’s SkyMiles account (if the new Award Ticket mileage amount is lower). Basic Economy tickets are not eligible for voluntary changes. SkyMiles Member must be an active Basic Delta SkyMiles, Gold, Platinum or Reserve American Express Card Member or Basic Delta SkyMiles Gold, Platinum or Reserve Business American Express Card Member at time that the Award Ticket is changed to be eligible for the TakeOff 15
 benefit on the changed Award Ticket.
                 All SkyMiles Program rules apply to SkyMiles Program membership, miles, offers, mile accrual, mile redemption, and travel benefits. To review the rules, please visit
                 <a data-linkto="https://" style="text-decoration:underline;" title="Program Rules.">
                  Program Rules.
                 SkyMiles Program and offers are void where prohibited by law, and terms are subject to change without notice. Other restrictions apply.
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                  $120 Rideshare Credit:
                 Enrollment through American Express is required to receive this benefit. Only Basic Delta SkyMiles Reserve and Reserve Business American Express Card Members or Authorized Account Manager(s) can enroll in the benefit in the Benefits section of their
                 <a data-linkto="//" style="text-decoration:underline;" title="">
                 online account or by calling the number on the back of their Card. Please note, enrollment may take up to 24 hours to take effect on your Card. Enrolled Basic Card Members can earn up to $10 in statement credits per month when the Basic Card or Additional Cards on the enrolled Account are used to make eligible purchases in the U.S. with the following rideshare services: Uber, Lyft, Curb, Revel, and Alto, which are subject to change. However, each enrolled Card Account is only eligible for up to $10 in statement credits per month, for a total of up to $120 per calendar year, per Card Account.
                 Eligible purchases are for goods and services minus returns and other credits. Eligible purchases do NOT include fees or interest charges, purchases of traveler's checks, purchases or reloading of prepaid cards, purchases of gift cards, person-to-person payments, or purchases of any cash equivalents. Eligible purchases do not include delivery services (for example, food, packages, groceries, pet food, toys or retail clothing), bikeshare, scooter, car rental, transit, membership, or any other non-rideshare services offered by the rideshare providers. Please allow 6 to 8 weeks after an eligible purchase is charged to the enrolled Card Account for statement credit(s) to be posted to the
 Account. Please call the number on the back of the Card if statement credits have not posted after 8 weeks from the date of purchase. American Express relies on the merchant’s processing of transactions to determine the transaction date. The transaction date may differ from the date you made the purchase if, for example, there is a delay in the merchant submitting the transaction to us or if the merchant uses another date as the transaction date. This means that in some cases your purchase may not earn the statement credit benefit for the benefit period in which you made the purchase. For example, if an eligible purchase is made on December 31st but the merchant processes the
 transaction such that it is identified to us as occurring on January 1st, the January statement credit would be applied. Statement credits may not be received or may be reversed if the purchase is cancelled or modified.
                 American Express also relies on information provided to us by the merchant to identify eligible purchases. If American Express does not receive information that identifies the transaction as an eligible purchase, the Basic Card Member will not receive the statement credit. In most cases, the Basic Card Member may not receive the statement credit if the transaction is made with an electronic wallet or through a third party or if the merchant uses a mobile or wireless card reader to process it.
                 To be eligible for this benefit, the Card Account must not be canceled or past due at the time of statement credit fulfillment. If American Express, in its sole discretion, determines that you have engaged in or intend to engage in any manner of abuse, misuse, or gaming in connection with this benefit, American Express will not have an obligation to provide statement credits and may reverse any statement credits provided to you. If your Card is enrolled in the benefit and you replace your Card, please check the Benefits section of your
                 <a data-linkto="//" style="text-decoration:underline;" title="">
                 account, mobile app or call the number on the back of your Card to confirm your continued enrollment in the benefit.
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                  Miles on Eligible Purchases:
                   1x Mile on eligible purchases
                 You will earn 1 mile for each dollar of eligible purchases charged on your Card.
                   2x Miles at U.S. Supermarkets
                 You will earn 1 additional mile (for a total of 2 miles) for each dollar of eligible purchases charged at supermarkets located in the United States. Superstores, convenience stores, warehouse clubs, and meal-kit delivery services are not considered supermarkets.
                   2x Miles at Restaurants
                 You will earn 1 additional mile (for a total of 2 miles) for each dollar of eligible purchases charged at restaurants worldwide. You may not get additional miles for purchases at a restaurant located within another establishment (e.g. a restaurant located inside a hotel, casino, or event venue) or for purchases made through third-party food delivery services outside of the U.S. For example, purchases made at a restaurant located within a hotel may be recognized as a purchase at a hotel, not a restaurant. You will not earn additional miles for purchases at bars, nightclubs, cafeterias, and convenience stores.
                   3x Miles at Hotels
                 You will earn 2 additional miles (for a total of 3 miles) for each dollar of purchases charged directly with hotels worldwide. You will earn additional miles when you pay the hotel directly (e.g. upon check-in or check-out) for a hotel stay that was reserved with a third party, such as an online travel agent. You will not earn additional miles if you prepay for your hotel with a third party, such as an online travel agent, or prepay the hotel as a part of a vacation package. You may not get additional miles for purchases at establishments located inside hotels such as timeshares, spas, restaurants, meeting rooms, event spaces, and banquet halls. You may earn additional miles for
 incidental charges made directly on the hotel property (including charges made at restaurants, spas, and other establishments), when purchases are charged to your room and paid for with your Card at checkout.
                   3x Miles on Delta Purchases
                 You will earn 2 additional miles (for a total of 3 miles) on each dollar of eligible purchases charged directly with Delta (“Delta Purchases”). Delta Purchases are eligible purchases where Delta is the merchant of record, such as purchases via
                 <a data-linkto="https://" style="text-decoration:underline;" title="">
                 , the Fly Delta app, phone reservations, or ticket counters, such as upgrades, miles, seat selection, Delta Sky Club
                 membership, and in-flight purchases of food, alcoholic beverages and audio headsets on Delta-operated flights. Delta Purchases do not include other in-flight purchases where Delta is not the merchant of record, such as in-flight wireless internet access and charitable contributions. Delta Gift Cards and purchases made at
                 <a data-linkto="https://" style="text-decoration:underline; font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 12px;" title="">
                 and/or the Delta Flight Museum do not qualify. Delta Purchases include Delta Vacations
                 packages but not other all-inclusive packages. Delta Purchases include purchases of qualifying Delta, Delta Connection
                 carrier and Delta Shuttle
                 flights taken with the purchase of a fare that is eligible for SkyMiles mileage credit. For purposes of this Card benefit, “Delta Purchases” also includes Delta Basic Economy fares, notwithstanding that these fares do not earn SkyMiles mileage credit for travel. Full terms:
                 <a data-linkto="https://" style="text-decoration:underline; font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 12px;" title="">
                 Additional miles earned for Delta flight purchases made with the Card will be based on the total ticket price, including base fare, carrier-imposed surcharges and government-imposed taxes and fees.
                 Eligible purchases mean purchases for goods and services minus returns and other credits. Eligible purchases do NOT include fees or interest charges, cash advances, purchases of travelers checks, purchases of gift cards, person-to-person transactions, purchases or reloading of prepaid cards, or purchases of other cash equivalents. Miles will be posted to your Delta SkyMiles account 8 to 12 weeks after the end of each month. To be eligible to receive miles, your Card account must not be canceled or past due at the time of fulfillment.
                 Merchants are assigned codes based on what they primarily sell. We group certain merchant codes into categories that are eligible for additional miles. A purchase with a merchant will not receive additional miles if the merchant’s code is not included in a reward category. You may not receive additional miles if we receive inaccurate information or are otherwise unable to identify your purchase as eligible for a reward category. For example, you may not receive additional miles when: a merchant uses a third-party to sell their products or services; or a merchant uses a third-party to process or submit your transaction to us (e.g., using mobile or wireless card readers); or you
 choose to make a purchase using a third-party payment account or make a purchase using a mobile or digital wallet. Additional terms and restrictions may apply.
                 Please visit
                 <a data-linkto="https://" style="text-decoration:none; font-weight: bold; font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 12px;" target="_blank" title="">
                 for more information about rewards.
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                 All SkyMiles program rules apply. To review the rules, please visit
                 <a data-linkto="https://" style="text-decoration:underline;" title="">
                  Membership Guide &amp; Program Rules
                 . Prices and rules are subject to change without notice. Delta, SkyMiles, and the Delta logo are registered service marks of Delta Air Lines, Inc. Delta is not responsible for goods or services offered by any companies participating in miles promotions. Partner offers subject to the terms and conditions of each individual offer. See individual offers for details. Partners subject to change. Offers void where prohibited by law. Other restrictions may apply.
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