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            Copyright 2018 Walgreen Co., 200 Wilmot Road, Deerfield, IL 60015-4620. All rights reserved.
            Available at Walgreens stores and while supplies last. Weekly Ad and coupon prices good 5/27/18 through 6/2/18 except when otherwise noted. Balance Rewards card required for sale pricing. Not all products and prices available in all stores in the following markets: U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Alaska, San Francisco and New York Boroughs: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens and Staten Island. Void where prohibited by law. Unless stated otherwise, all coupons have no cash value. Terms of promotion subject to change. For Balance Rewards program details, visit
            * Restrictions apply. See for more information. Offers valid through 5/6/18.
            ** Only available on in-store purchases. Limit 1 Register Rewards® coupon per customer per offer. See coupon for terms, restrictions and expiration. Purchase requirement must be met in a single transaction, before taxes and after discounts, store credit and redemption dollars are applied.
            &lt; Only available on in-store purchases.
            ~ Good on next purchase. Purchase requirement must be met in a single transaction, before taxes and after discounts, store credit and redemption dollars are applied. Due to state and federal laws, points cannot be earned or redeemed on some items. Complete details at
            -- Manufacturer coupon available in most Sunday papers or at Only available on in-store purchases.
            + Clip paperless coupons to card at
            ^ Coupon available at Card and online manufacturer coupon required for pricing.
            ## See form for terms, exclusions and expiration. Rebate offered by manufacturer. Card required for sale price but not to redeem rebate.
            ++ Rebate form prints at register. See form for terms, exclusions and expiration. Rebate offered by manufacturer. Card required for sale price but not to redeem rebate.
            ^^ Rebate form on package. See form for terms, exclusions, expiration, restrictions and details. Rebate offered by manufacturer. Card required for sale price but not to redeem rebate.
            † Offer valid for veterans, military and their families on May 28, 2018, only with Balance® Rewards card and proof of service. In-store offer only valid in Walgreens or Duane Reade stores. Discount valid on regular-price items only. Offer is not combinable with buy 1 get 1 free, buy 1 get 1 50% off or buy 2 get 3rd FREE. Discount not valid on alcohol, dairy, tobacco, stamps, phone/prepaid/gift cards, money orders/transfers, transportation passes, lottery tickets, charitable donations, pseudoephedrine or ephedrine products, clinic services, health tests, prescriptions, pharmacy items or services, sales tax, the Prescription Savings Club membership fee, newspapers, magazines and items or services purchased by prescription and/or submitted to insurance for reimbursement or where otherwise limited by law.
            ° For every Red Nose sold between April 2 and June 2, 2018, Walgreens will donate $0.50 each to Comic Relief Inc.'s Red Nose Day Fund, which helps lift children out of poverty in the U.S. and internationally. For more information, visit This contribution is not tax deductible.
            # Must use code GRADDEAL to receive 50% off everything photo through online or mobile app. Code must be entered at time of online or mobile checkout to apply discount. Offer not valid in store and excludes in-store services. Offer expires at 11:59 p.m. CT on May 26, 2018. Coupon valid for up to 5 separate uses. No photo products are excluded in this promotion. Up to three coupons can be used in one cart if no overlapping products exist in the offers being applied. Void if transferred, reproduced or copied and where prohibited by law. Discount does not apply to previous purchases, taxes or shipping charges. Offer is subject to change or cancellation at any time.
            ¥ Limit 1 storewide coupon redeemed per transaction. Clip to card to use in store or online (must be logged in). Valid 5/13/18-5/26/18. Points good on next purchase. Purchase requirement must be met in a single transaction, before taxes and shipping, and after discounts, store credit and redemption dollars have been applied. Void if copied or transferred. Excludes photo orders not picked up in store, alcohol, dairy, tobacco, gift cards, clinic services, prescriptions, pharmacy items or services, sales tax, shipping and bonus points offers/featured products. Other exclusions apply. Complete details at
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