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   You don't need a razor subscription to purchase Shave Gel.
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                 Get Shave Gel
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                 Shave Gel, you know it. First it’s gelly, then it’s foamy. And now it’s here with a DSC twist. Made with Shea Butter and Aloe, Shave Gel was formulated to maximise comfort and glide while shaving. If you have sensitive skin you will particularly dig it.
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                Get gelly.
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                Shave Gel
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                    •  Shea Butter and Aloe for
                    supreme moisture and glide
                    •  Helps prevent shaving irritation
                    •  Safe for sensitive skin
                <!--[if (gte mso 9)|(IE)]>
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            ©2021 Dollar Shave Club.
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             All Rights
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             Suite 2.30, Meester Treublaan 7, 1097 DP Amsterdam
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