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          Focus on fit, with a floor mat scaled for your space.
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<tr><td width="560" align="left"  target="_blank" style="font: 34px 'Dutch-roman', serif; color:#000000; text-decoration:none;">Organic Meets Metallic</td></tr>
<tr><td height="0"></td></tr>
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           <img alt="Featuring our NEW Heddle large runner in Pansy" height="360" src="" width="568"/>
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<tr><td width="560" align="left"  target="_blank" style="font: 16px/19.2px 'plain-light', sans-serif;color:#000000; text-decoration:none;font-weight:400;">Get celebration season off to a shimmering start with metallics for the table.</td></td></tr>
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            Shop Large Runners (2.5 feet x 8.8 feet)
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<tr><td width="560" align="left"  target="_blank" style="font: 34px 'Dutch-roman', serif; color:#000000; text-decoration:none;">Go for the Gold</td></tr>
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            <img alt="Featuring NEW Strike medium woven floor mat in Limestone" height="360" src="" width="568"/>
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<tr><td width="560" align="left"  target="_blank" style="font: 16px/19.2px 'plain-light', sans-serif;color:#000000; text-decoration:none;font-weight:400;">Our shade-shifting Ombré placemats add texture and shine to any table. 
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             Shop Medium Mats (3 feet x 4 feet)
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<tr><td width="560" align="left"  target="_blank" style="font: 34px 'Dutch-roman', serif; color:#000000; text-decoration:none;">Toast-Worthy Coasters</td></tr>
<tr><td height="0"></td></tr>
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            <img alt="Featuring our large Mosaic floor mat in Black/White" height="360" src="" width="568"/>
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             Shop Large Mats (3.8 feet x 6 feet)
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            <img alt="Featuring our top selling Basketweave floor mat in Denim" height="360" src="" width="568"/>
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             Shop Extra-Large Mats (6 feet x 8.8 feet)
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