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   QuickBooks will be ready for the VAT rate changes coming soon
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                      Changes to VAT rates
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                      Hello Ramy,
                      From 1 October 2021, a new reduced rate of VAT of 12.5% will be introduced for hospitality, holiday accommodation and attractions. It will stay in place until 31 March 2022.
                      It replaces the current temporary reduced rate of 5% for these sectors.
                      Businesses that operate outside of the hospitality, holiday accommodation and attraction sectors may also be impacted by the VAT rate change if they make purchases from these sectors.
                       How is QuickBooks helping?
                      You’ll be able to apply the new VAT code in QuickBooks when the time comes.
                      To find out more about this change and how to activate tax rates in QuickBooks Online, visit our
                      <a class="" style="font-family: Avenir, Arial, sans-serif; color:#0077C5; text-decoration: none; font-weight: 600; font-size:16px; line-height: 20px; display: inline-block;">
                       support site
                       The Quickbooks Team
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           Based on number of QuickBooks Online customers September 2019
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