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   At Harry’s, we believe in taking risks and carving your own path. Our Big Leap Sweepstakes could give you the boost to do just that. Purchase a razor and you'll land a shot at winning $100,000.*
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                   At Harry’s, we believe in taking risks and carving your own path. Our Big Leap Sweepstakes could give you the boost to do just that. Purchase a razor and you’ll land a shot at winning $100,000.*
                <tr style="border-collapse:collapse">
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                    Shop NOW
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                   Level Up
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                   As an added bonus, use code word
                   <a class="hteumeuleu-dark-text" style="-webkit-text-size-adjust:none;-ms-text-size-adjust:none;mso-line-height-rule:exactly;text-decoration:none;color:#263645;font-size:14px" target="_blank">
                   to score even more chances to win.*
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                   *No purchase necessary. 50 US (and DC), 18+ to enter. Ends 12/31/22. For entry and official rules visit
                   <a class="hteumeuleu-dark-text" style="text-decoration: none; color: #263645;">
                   . Void where prohibited.
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