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                         Thank you for being a Tuesday Morning customer and fan over the years - like us, you obviously know a good deal when you see one!
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                          20% OFF with Code: WELCOME20
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                     <p style="margin: 0; font-style: normal; font-weight: 400; text-decoration-style: initial; text-decoration-thickness: initial;">
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                       We have begun adding some of the same quality merchandise and brands that Tuesday Morning was known for throughout the years.
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                       Keep a look out for great deals on quality brands and the latest offers coming straight to your inbox.
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                       Here's what you get when you shop with us:
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                        Thousands of individual curated items, packed with descriptions and best pricing so you can pick the perfect basket.
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                        Guaranteed service and fast delivery.
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                        Dedication to helping you get the most for your money.
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                        Design experts, money-saving tips, advice, and inspiration through our blog.
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                       So, what are you waiting for? Start hunting for your next thrill today!
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                         HUNT THE DEALS
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                        <p style="margin: 0;">
                          Tuesday Morning
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                        <p style="margin: 0;">
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