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                      Hey James,
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                      We’re so happy you’re here! The concept is simple: Trello helps you get organized, get motivated, and get more done (with your team or on your own).
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                            Go To My Boards →
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                      Here are the most popular resources to help you get started:
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                    <ul style="text-align: left; line-height: 22px; font-size: 16px;">
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                        Guide to Getting Started with Trello
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                        Inspiration Boards from the Trello community
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                        Get the Trello Mobile App
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                      Going forward, you’ll receive our bi-monthly newsletter (which is chock full of Trello best practices and sample workflows, as well as productivity hacks). Separately, you’ll also get notification emails based on activity within Trello. You can adjust the frequency
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                      That’s it, all you need to get started with Trello, and if you’re ever feeling stuck, you can always contact
                       Trello Support
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                      Thanks! We're excited to have you on board,
                      The Trello Team
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