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                     Hi there,
                     We've updated our Terms of Service to reflect the new products and features recently added to Blinkist, which takes effect starting 16th March, 2020. You can take a look and review the changes
                      <a data-saferedirecturl=";source=gmail&amp;ust=1584012849335000&amp;usg=AFQjCNF_Xu2S3rituD9Tzs3gieTG24Uz7A" style="color: #2CE080; text-decoration: none;" target="_blank">
                     No time to read a full legal document right now? No worries! We've blinked the key updates and what they mean for you:
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                      We added additional information about Blinkist’s confirmation emails (Section 4)
                      We are launching additional content that you can purchase in addition to your subscription (Sections 6, 7)
                      We have also updated our terms for gift vouchers and special offers (Section 10)
                    <p style='font-family: "arial"; font-size: 16px; font-weight: normal; line-height: 1.5em; color: #03324C; margin: 0 0 10px; padding: 5px 0;'>
                     Your Blinkist usage on or after today will be subject to the new Terms of Service. There’s no action required on your end—we wanted to make sure you’re informed.
                      Got questions?
                     Find our FAQ
                     <a style="color: #2CE080; text-decoration: none;">
                     or contact our team—we’re here to help.
                     Thank you for being part of the lifelong learning community!
                     Your Blinkist Team
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            Copyright © 2020 Blinks Labs GmbH,
            Sonnenallee 223, 12059 Berlin, Germany |
            You’ve received this email because you have an account with Blinkist.
            <a style="color: #2CE080; text-decoration: none;">
             View your Blinkist profile settings
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