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               It’s your Finimize analyst team here.
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                🌎 The World This Week
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               Investors have cleared their evenings and put the white wine in the fridge. No, they haven’t turned date night into date week: they’re ready to watch companies’ earnings roll in. You’ll be able to understand and react to the news a lot faster if you know what you’re looking for, so
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                here’s a round-up of what you might expect this earnings season – from Big Tech to big banks.
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               Emerging markets have been grabbing investors’ focus over the last year, and India’s been behind more than its fair share of the excitement. But you haven’t missed your chance: the International Monetary Fund believes the country is only getting started, so let’s check out
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                the five reasons why you might want to invest in India
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               Meanwhile, some analysts are wondering if the US dollar – known for overpowering its rivals, no matter their size – can maintain its reign. So first, Theodora took a look at why they have their concerns. Then, she worked out
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                some investment moves you can make if you think they’re right
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               Our Finimizers sure aren’t short on investing opportunities. Our quarterly Pulse survey went out to thousands of our community members, and the results showed that you’re feeling especially optimistic right now. Here’s a closer look at our exclusive data, which shows
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                where retail investors are putting their money – and why
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               Enjoy the rest of your weekend and stay classy ✌️
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               Your Finimize Analyst team
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                📍 Be in the right place at the right time.
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               And by right place, we mean right here:
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                promote your brand to reach hundreds of thousands of sharp, active investors
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