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2024 MITSUBISHI Outlander
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Breeze through the turns of your daily drive or explore life off the beaten path with the precision of Super‑All Wheel Control* (S‑AWC). With room for up to seven, adventures with the whole crew are as easy as loading up and rolling out.
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Plug‑in hybrid
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Charge up and break away with enough range to bring on more scenic routes. Stopping to recharge takes less than an hour
–giving you a moment to enjoy the view and appreciate how far you’ve come.
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Handle your streets in a sporty SUV that’s as unique as you are. Turbo‑charged power delights from your driveway to the highway. Connect your phone, turn up your trip playlist, and head for the horizon.
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Images shown may not represent actual production models. Optional features shown. Available at additional cost.
The Head‑Up Display system is a driver aid only and is not a substitute for safe driving. Never focus your attention only on the display while driving since you may fail to see pedestrians, other vehicles, and objects on the road.
Government 5-Star Safety Ratings are part of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s New Car Assessment Program (
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Outlander PHEV DC fast charging is only available with CHAdeMO charging systems. Charge to approximately 80% using DC fast charger.
*Available feature. Super‑All Wheel Control (S‑AWC) adds Active Yaw Control (AYC) to realize the AWC concept at a very high level. While this Integrated Vehicle Dynamics Control System manages the driving forces and braking forces of the four wheels to help realize vehicle behavior that is faithful to the operation by the driver under a variety of driving conditions, it is not a substitute for careful driving. S‑AWC cannot prevent collisions or loss of traction in all conditions. Exercise caution so your full attention is given to vehicle operation in all road conditions.
Includes 10‑Year/100,000‑Mile Powertrain Limited Warranty; 5‑Year/Unlimited‑Mile Roadside Assistance; and 2‑Year/30,000‑Mile Limited Maintenance. Powertrain coverage terms are from original in‑service date and applicable only to original owner. Subsequent owners receive balance of 5‑year/60,000‑mile New Vehicle Limited Warranty. Roadside Assistance timed from date vehicle is first sold or put into use, whichever is earlier. Certain assistance and vehicle uses excluded. Limited Maintenance includes three oil and filter changes, three tire rotations, three multi‑point inspections, and one cabin filter change within specified time/mileage windows. Not transferable to subsequent owner. Parts or services not redeemed within specified windows are forfeited. Certain restrictions apply. See retailer for complete details. References to time/mileage limitations are to whichever occurs first.
Corporate Headquarters: Mitsubishi Motors North America, Inc., 4031 Aspen Grove Drive, Suite 650, Franklin, TN 37067
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