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   Your EXCLUSIVE access to our Friends &amp; Family event
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                      Which offer will you pick?
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                       ONLINE EXCLUSIVEs
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                              iconic duo that everyone needs! Complete 
                              your Génifique routine with our bestselling 
                              eye cream and Advanced Génifique Serum that 
                              has over 17,000 5 Star 
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                              the ultimate makeup look with our bestsellers. The 
                              Teint Idole Ultra Wear All Over Concealer helps provide breathable coverage.
                               Finish the look with our iconic 
                              buildable Hypnôse 
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                              VIE EST BELLE
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                              iconic Eau de Parfum, known as the scent of 
                              happiness, plus never run low on our favourite 
                              perfume as it’s now 
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                              LANCÔME 2023
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               *Offer available only on and valid from 00:01 12/05/2023 until 17/05/2023 at 23:59. Use code EXCLUSIVE at checkout to redeem. Offer excludes Teint Idole Ultra Wear Foundation, La Vie Est Belle Iris, Renergie H.P.N 300-Peptide Cream, Maison Lancome Fragrance, Absolue Skincare Range and Spring Gift Sets. Offer cannot be combined with any other promotion. Subject to availability, whilst stocks last. Incomplete, illegal, misdirected or late redemptions will not be valid. Promoter is not responsible for redemptions lost, damaged or delayed due to technical or connectivity or other problems. Promoter: Lancôme, a trading division of L’Oreal (U.K.) Limited, 255 Hammersmith Road, London W6 8AZ and Styne House, Upper Hatch Street, Dublin 2, Ireland.
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