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    Beauty heroes for £70, worth over £185
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          Beauty heroes for £70, worth over £185
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          May Weekender Ready
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          Worth over £185, treat yourself to our
          new May Weekender Kit, featuring our
          coveted beauty heroes for only £70.
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          Shop the Kit
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          What’s Inside?
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          Expertly curated by our Beauty Buyers, Francesca Sciaraffa-Stubbs reveals our
          ultimate travel edit, with everything you need for a weekend away.
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             Damson Madder Oversized Scrunchie
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             “From festivals to city breaks, this is my favourite accessory for on-the-move. The pink scrunchie adds a playful pop of colour, while keeping my hair effortlessly styled.”
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             Sol de Janeiro Cheirosa 59 Perfume Mist
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             “Serving up those summer feelings all year round, the delicious notes of velvet plum, sugared violet and whipped amber leave a trail of uplifting fragrance everywhere I go.”
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             Color Wow Shampoo
             &amp; Conditioner
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             “This is my go-to duo for vibrant, salon-fresh hair. The Color Security Shampoo’s gentle yet effective formula cleanses without stripping, while the lightweight conditioner nourishes and detangles, leaving hair smooth without weighing it down.”
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             Bamford Geranium Body Lotion
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             “Its luxurious texture and delicate floral
             scent is like wrapping myself in a
             fragrant garden, leaving my skin
             feeling deeply nourished – it’s quickly
             become an essential part of my
             daily self-care ritual.”
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             Caudalie Lip Conditioner
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             “This is my daily dose of hydration
             – enriched with nourishing grape seed oil,
             it repairs and protects my lips from
             dryness, leaving them smooth and
             moisturised all day long.”
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             Coola Face Lotion SPF50 White Tea
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             “A must-have staple in my makeup bag – it not only protects my skin against the sun,
             but hydrates and soothes, giving me the confidence to face the day knowing my skin
             is well cared for.”
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       Registered Office: Harriet Walk, Knightsbridge, London, England, SW1X 7RJ
       Reg. No.‌ 00‌072‌539, Registered in England.
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