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   Audemars Piguet
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   Four Royal Oak Offshore Selfwinding Chronographs are being released for the collection’s 30th anniversary, which saw its first model presented in 1993.
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                 30 YEARS OF THE
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                 ROYAL OAK OFFSHORE
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                 Four new Royal Oak Offshore Selfwinding Chronographs are being released for the collection’s 30th anniversary, which saw its first model presented in 1993. Its various models have never ceased to evolve in terms of the movements, materials, finishings and dials used.
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                    A UNIQUE
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                    The new version of the Royal Oak Offshore Selfwinding Chronograph 42 mm is housed in its first-ever black ceramic case with a matching bracelet and a black Petite Tapisserie dial for a contemporary monochrome look.
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                              Discover more
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                    NEW CONTEMPORARY
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                    Celebrating the 30th anniversary of the collection, this model has a black aesthetic with yellow details. Limited to 500 pieces, the timepiece pays tribute to the collection that has been pushing the limits for 30 years.
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                 AP TALKS PODCAST
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                 EPISODE 3
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                 In this new episode of the AP Talks podcast, Malaika Crawford, journalist and watch expert, François-Henry Bennahmias, CEO of Audemars Piguet and Raphaël Balestra, Heritage &amp; Archives Manager talk about the Royal Oak Offshore collection and its unconventional journey that started 30 years ago.
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