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   Meet the Breitling Navitimer: the original iconic pilot’s watch.
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                    Designed to Soar
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                     The classic Navitimer was launched in 1952 and has been a cockpit mainstay ever since.
                     Back in the ‘50s, pilots used its signature slide rule to calculate average speed, fuel consumption and more. Today, they are some of the world’s most loved watches for pilots, celebrated for their function and design.
                     Whether you’re all about timeless style, or setting off on your own adventure, there’s a Navitimer out there for you.
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                             NAVITIMER B01
                             CHRONOGRAPH 46
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                             Steel - Black
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                             AUTOMATIC 35
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                             Steel - Mother of Pearl
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                             AUTOMATIC 41
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                             Steel &amp; Gold - Silver
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                             NAVITIMER B01
                             CHRONOGRAPH 43
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                             Steel - Anthracite
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                   A surprise gift will be sent with each Navitimer watch ordered on
                  from March 26 – 28, 2021. Special gift limited to available inventory. Additional restrictions may apply.
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