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     Plus, what to do over the long weekend
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              While we might not be celebrating 
Good Friday as planned today, 
you can still enjoy time at home with 
delicious dishes from renowned 
nutritional therapist Amelia Freer 
as well as home and garden 
improvements for the Easter weekend
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         "In this strange new world we all find ourselves in, there is something
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         delightfully calming and grounding about familiar rituals and everyday
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         activities. Cooking, for me at least, is one of those."
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            "Friends and families may not be gathering, but we can still mark the occasion by laying the table (even more importantly if it is just for one) and sharing our love in more inventive ways."
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            "Some of the best dishes ever created were happy accidents. So, rather than worrying about not having the exact list of ingredients that a recipe suggests, be confident to use what you do have, and you may well be pleasantly surprised."
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        Discover Amelia's recipes
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        and tips on our blog
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            READ &amp; SHOP &gt;
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        We really hope you will not find it insensitive that we are sharing our
        <br class="hide"/>
        Summer brochure with you. We hope it might, in some small way, be a
        <br class="hide"/>
        welcome distraction and inspire us all to look forward to happier times ahead
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           Warmer weather calls for drinks 
in the garden. These premium 
pieces are ideal for wine, spritzes 
and more, plus, they look 
wonderfully glass-like. Perfect for 
enjoying time alfresco
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