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   Are festive rebrands wasteful?
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   600 professionals have their say. Results inside.
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         Survey: 600 professionals have their say on seasonal marketing
        Many believe festive rebranding is wasteful and time-consuming
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         <img alt="Festive rebranding – survey averages" border="0" class="w100pcmax" height="auto" src="" style="display:block;height:auto;" width="550"/>
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         Get the full survey results here – pt.5
        If you’re like most marketers surveyed, you started working on seasonal campaigns five months ago – and 17 kinds of assets, on average, were rebranded especially for the holidays.
        <span style="font-weight: 600;">
         But is all that frantic work for the festive period worth it, and if so, can the content chaos be avoided?
        We surveyed 600 marketing professionals to find out more about how they approach seasonal marketing. Our data reveals just how time- and resource-intensive the process can be for many organizations.
        According to our survey, the biggest challenges involved in managing seasonal marketing assets are:
        1️⃣ Managing the high volume of assets -35.5%
        2️⃣ Ensuring they are aligned with the brand - 21.2%
        2️⃣ The speed required to deliver the assets - 21.2%
        4️⃣ Ensuring that there are assets for every channel required - 20.2%
        <em style="">
         “This research shows just how normalized rebranding assets for Christmas has become. With marketing campaigns expected to have started in June, and 17 asset types required to be rebranded, it’s important to get it right.”
        – Steve Vinall, Director of Brand &amp; Communications at Bynder
        Rebranding for the holidays – or undergoing a full brand refresh – doesn’t need to descend into content chaos. See how you can approach content operations a little differently in 2024 with our
        <a style="color: #00AAFF; font-family: 'Regular FF DIN', Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-decoration:underline;" target="_blank">
         cost and efficiency guide
        You can also check out a quick 15-minute webinar that focuses on how to save on content-related costs and increase speed of execution.
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         Register now
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        Talk soon,
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                Victoria Morgan
              Field Marketing Specialist, UK
              27/31 Clerkenwell Close, 5th Floor, Unit 512, London EC1R 0AT
              +44 (0) 207 0432 555
              <span style="font-weight: 600;">
               Unite. Create. Thrive.
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