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                             [ /ˈhaNGˌōvər/] Noun
                             <span id="docs-internal-guid-c21bf467-7fff-9775-66a2-3dcbd7913f9e">
                              “the disagreeable physical after-effects of drunkenness, such as a headache or stomach disorder, usually felt several hours after cessation of drinking.”
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                              Ever wonder why some are more affected than others?
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                              According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, “differences in alcohol metabolism may put some people at greater risk for alcohol problems, whereas others may be at least somewhat protected from alcohol’s harmful effects.”
                           <span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: verdana, geneva, sans-serif; font-size: 14px;">
                            Read more about the role your microbes may play in alcohol metabolism in today’s blog.
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                                     Probiotic Food: The Good Bugs
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                                     Gluten: Beyond the Bread
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                        There are
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                        kit and for the Grand Prize: a Gut Explorer time lapse set.
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                        All you have to do is share a story about your experience with the microbiome or something you’ve learned this month. Use
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