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   Bynder acquires GatherContent
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   Content operations, meet asset management
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              GatherContent joins Bynder
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              The content operations platform is the latest exciting addition to the Bynder family.
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               <img alt="GatherContent joins the Bynder Family" border="0" class="w100pcmax" height="auto" src="" style="display:block;height:auto;" width="600"/>
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              Hi Sarah,
              We’re thrilled to reveal
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               GatherContent as the latest exciting addition
              to the growing Bynder family.
              Marketing teams are increasingly challenged to create and assemble growing volumes and varieties of text and creative content to support omnichannel consumer buying journeys. Yet the creation of content remains a time-consuming, inefficient process.
              The combination of GatherContent and Bynder DAM will enable teams to manage the entire content creation lifecycle in support of their omnichannel go-to-market strategies. From visual production, through text creation into approved structured content ready for distribution to all channels, enabling speed of execution.
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              <span style="font-weight: 600;">
               What else, along with GatherContent, can your brand get with Bynder?
              <em style="">
               <span style="font-weight: 600;">
              Digital Asset Management
              🎥 Cloud-based image and video editing
              📲 Best-in-class distribution tools
              ⏩ Automated asset optimization
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               And much more...
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