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       See what’s got us talking this April.
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                                  This month, we’re sharing some tried-and-true tips for delivering stand-out digital experiences that your consumers will love. Also, we shine a spotlight on Bynder client, Queensland Health, and their vital work supporting over 120 hospitals with accurate, up-to-date communications during the COVID-19 pandemic. Check out the full rundown for April below.
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                      3 steps to deliver digital experiences consumers love ✅
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                      What's the secret to standing out in a crowded and competitive digital landscape?
                      Billion-dollar marketing budgets? Sure. Another recipe for success that won't break the bank? A digital content strategy that is well organized, automated in all the right areas, and distributed to the right channels at the perfect time, every time.
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                        3-step solution to scalable digital experiences
                      will show you how to:
                      1. Create brand-approved, personalized assets at scale
                      2. Manage assets collaboratively with internal and external parties
                      3. Distribute assets across systems, channels, and e-markets
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                                   Explainer: Brand Guidelines
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                                  Need a home for your brand identity that isn’t a 100-page PDF doc? Discover a better way.
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                                   How manufacturing brands are using DAM+PIM to win the digital shelf
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                                  Forrester Wave™ Report 2022
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                                  Bynder named a DAM Leader
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                                  Leading research firm, Forrester, claims Bynder “leads with strong usability and portal capabilities” in their latest report.
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                      “ We’ve got over 120 hospitals in Queensland and Bynder has been really useful during the COVID pandemic for sharing assets with hospitals. It’s a great way of sharing large files securely and ensuring they’ve got the latest information about COVID. ”
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                          Rohan Young
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                          Creative Team Lead at Queensland Health
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                          DAM vs PIM: What’s the difference?
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                          The 7 elements you must include in an effective creative brief (with examples)
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                          How to identify your digital asset management requirements
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                          What is brand storytelling?
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                          Customer spotlight: Streamlining communication for Queensland’s largest healthcare provider in the wake of COVID-19
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                      “ One of the main reasons we chose to work with Bynder is because of the extensive onboarding package they offer. It's thorough and worth going through to work out all of the details that will ensure the best setup for your company's needs. ”
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                          Allyson W.
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                          Digital Producer
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                          United Kingdom
                          +44 20 7043 2555
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