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   Bynder Brandbeat: Anthony Nolan charity shares their success with DAT ​​📸
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      See what’s got us talking this May.
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                          This month, we’re giving you the solution to a slow and sluggish website with Bynder’s Dynamic Asset Transformation, as told by UK-based charity Anthony Nolan. Also, we’ve got a new webinar on how your team can speed up the planning and delivery of your next brand campaign—now available to watch on-demand. Check out the full rundown for May below.
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                 Website stuck in the slow lane? Get acquainted with DAT
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                 UK-based charity Anthony Nolan help to save and improve the lives of those suffering from blood cancer. To raise awareness and promote their work, website content needs to be current and constantly refreshed with new campaigns. Slow website loading times and the manual hassle of uploading, downloading, and resizing images led them to implement Bynder’s
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                  Dynamic Asset Transformation
                 <em style="">
                  <span style="font-weight: 600;">
                   "Every website image sourced with DAT was more than half the size compared to before. It speeds up the whole website and even improves our SEO rankings."
                 Hear their story and discover the website-boosting benefits of DAT below.
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                            Salesforce Marketing Cloud Integration
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                           Salesforce Marketing Cloud user? Speed up campaign execution while ensuring only brand-approved assets are used with the Bynder integration.
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                            How to solve campaign bottlenecks
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                          Forrester Wave™ Report 2022
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                          Bynder named a DAM Leader
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                          Leading research firm, Forrester, claims Bynder “leads with strong usability and portal capabilities” in their latest report.
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              One thing we love about Bynder is that it allows us to put up all assets so that the rest of the company can access them. It makes us more efficient and eliminates the need to dig and find things for each rep. Everybody knows how to access the most up-to-date material.
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                    Leena Jain
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                    CMO at Humanscale
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                    Why is digital asset management important for e-commerce?
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                    Top 5 uses for Digital Brand Templates
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                    What are digital asset management vendors?
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                    5 ways to imagine brand guidelines
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                    How Humanscale achieved 300% growth in new product category after pivoting with Bynder
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                <td style="font-size: 22px; line-height: 27px; font-family: 'source serif pro', Times New Roman, serif; color: #ffffff; text-align: left; padding-bottom: 30px;">
              Bynder is an attractive option that is highly personalizable. The configurations for metadata, access, and sharing are widely applicable and useful. The onboarding experience was also very in-depth and allows us to best learn about and prepare the platform for our team.
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                    Celina T.
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                    Bynder User
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                    1017 MB Amsterdam
                    The Netherlands
                    +31 (0) 20 820 3740
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