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   Finding the time to be creative.
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              Close the content gap with creative automation
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              This week we’re focusing on—an agile way to meet the demand for content
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              Hi Sarah,
              If you're like most marketers, you probably have realized that time's become a treasured commodity. Marketers and creatives can only make do with the resources they have as creative requests for content variations are at an all-time high. But spending hours grinding out endless variations of the same piece of content is hardly what your creatives were hired for.
              The rise of
              <em style="">
               everything on demand
              (EOD) means brands must now excel at creating stunning digital experiences for their customers if they hope to gain a competitive edge in this digital-first world.
              Still, not everyone has had time to create enough content to meet their audience’s needs—and yet, not every part of the content generation process is genuinely creative nor necessarily time-consuming.
              Read our
              <a style="color: #00AAFF; font-family: 'Regular FF DIN', Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-decoration:underline;" target="_blank">
               new guide
              to find out how creative automation can help your creatives close the content gap by matching the rate of their creative output with the speed of content distribution—and claim back some precious time to actually be creative.
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