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   Bynder Brandbeat: Get inspired by this year’s best DAM success stories🏆
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      See what’s got us talking this June.
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                          This month, get a glimpse into the amazing things that can be achieved with a DAM platform, as told by our customers. The Bynder Spotlight Awards features our pick of success stories from over 3700 brands using Bynder, spanning rapidly-rising start-ups to Fortune 100 household names. Check out the full rundown for June below.
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                 Bynder Spotlight Awards 2022
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                 Curious what benefits your brand can gain from a DAM platform? You’re in the right place. We’re shining a spotlight on
                 <a style="color: #00AAFF; font-family: 'Regular FF DIN', Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-decoration:underline;" target="_blank">
                  our favourite DAM success stories
                 and what can be achieved with Bynder—from huge revenue savings and manual work reductions to creating centralized content machines. Here’s a sneak peek:
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                    STANLEY Security
                   : The creatives at STANLEY turned their Bynder ecosystem into a one-stop-shop creative hub that immediately shaved
                   <span style="font-weight: 600;">
                   off their workload
                   <span style="font-weight: 600;">
                    Pernod Ricard
                   : One of the world’s biggest wine and spirits sellers managed seven sub-brands in Bynder, and the team’s certainly busy in there: over
                   <span style="font-weight: 600;">
                    4.87 million
                   assets have been downloaded by its users
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                 Ready to get some DAM inspiration? Read more DAM success stories below.
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                            Adobe CC Connector Integration
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                           How does less process, more creativity, and better design sound? Learn more about Bynder’s integration with Adobe Creative Cloud.
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                            How Luxury &amp; Beauty brands can create attractive product experiences with PIM+DAM
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                           Watch this webinar to learn how brands in this competitive industry can convert shoppers into buyers with the help of PIM &amp; DAM.
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                          Forrester Wave™ Report 2022
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                          Bynder named a DAM Leader
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                          Leading research firm, Forrester, claims Bynder “leads with strong usability and portal capabilities” in their latest report.
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              Bynder allowed us to be much more collaborative - we could create shareable file collections for specific fundraising campaigns that included pre-approved images that ensured campaign consistency and increased efficiency when publishing.
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                    Shannon Kolbe
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                    Digital Project Manager at Australia for UNHCR
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                    Winners revealed: Bynder Spotlight Awards 2022
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                    The future is hybrid: How DAM supports the new world of work
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                    What is a digital asset management API?
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                    How to build a modern digital transformation strategy
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                    Australia’s leading voice for refugees find their DAM partner in Bynder
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              The straightforward rules for configuration along with the plethora of aspects that are customizable make it ideal for any size company or organization to leverage at the heart of its martech stack.
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                    Ken C.
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                    CEO at SMB
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                    The Netherlands
                    +31 (0) 20 820 3740
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