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       See what’s got us talking this December.
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                                  Welcome to the December edition of Brandbeat. With the festive season in full swing and a brand new year just around the corner, we’ve got some great resources to inform and inspire your brand’s marketing plans. Highlights include tips on planning your holiday campaigns, as well as a new editorial exploring what marketers can learn from Google’s unique brand strategy.
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                      How we saved $62k on last year’s holiday campaign
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                      Planning your festive marketing campaign left you grouchier than the Grinch? We get it. The holiday season can be a crazy time for marketers in their attempts to capitalize on the festive spirit. Budgets are drying up; resources are stretched. That’s why you need to take shortcuts where you can.
                      Here at Bynder, we used our very own
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                       creative automation tools
                      to create 52 creative assets in one day, and at a fraction of the cost. See how we did it by reading the article below and save yourself the stress for next year.
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                                   How Bugaboo accelerates global digital experiences with Bynder
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                                  Baby gear specialists, Bugaboo, explain how they use Bynder, live from PIMpoint Digital 2021.
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                                   Webinar: Deliver digital experiences for better branding
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                                  See how some of the world’s leading brands are using DAM to deliver great digital experiences.
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                          How Santa Cruz Bicycles use Bynder to streamline public relations and empower external partners
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                          DAM in the DX [4/4]: Planning your integrations roadmap
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                          Why brands are scaling content creation with DAM
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                          Why is creative content essential to crafting powerful digital experiences? [2/4]
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