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   Bynder named as a leader
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          <td style="font-size: 20px; line-height: 28px; font-family: 'Inter', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; color: #002233; text-align: left; padding-bottom: 30px;">
           Forrester names Bynder as a leader in digital asset management
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           Hi Sarah,
           Global market research firm Forrester has appointed Bynder a leader in The
           <a style="color: #126dfe; font-family: 'Inter', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-decoration:None;" target="_blank">
            Forrester Wave™: Digital Asset Management Systems, Q1 2024
           We believe this acknowledgment highlights Bynder’s continued commitment to excellence and innovation within the digital asset management space. Bynder received the highest scores possible in criteria such as:
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              : A solution that adapts to your growing business needs
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              : A customer-centric approach that pioneers new technologies, such as AI
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              <span style="font-weight: 600;">
              : The preferred enterprise DAM for the majority of companies
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              : A DAM solution that integrates into any composable ecosystem to cut costs and achieve rapid ROI
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           Discover what makes Bynder a leader in DAM.
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                  Bynder B.V.
                  Max Euweplein 46
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                  The Netherlands
                  +31 (0) 20 820 3740
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