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               Happy new week! Christine went on a well-deserved break, so you’ll have to deal with a double dose of my awful puns and worse headline shenanigans for a bit.
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               Oh! And we have a live Q&amp;A session tomorrow at noon PT on Twitter Spaces about what a 409A valuation is and why you should care. Our very own
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                Natasha Mascarenhas
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                Anita Ramaswamy
               will be speaking with Sumukh from AngelList and Phil from Equityzen.
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                You can set yourself a handy reminder here
               . –
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               The TechCrunch Top 3
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                 Verticals exploration:
                “In a market like Egypt, retailers are not okay with the concept of paying for [buy now pay later] with interest at the end of the month. They prefer it to be a part of the product prices and to feel it embedded through the order cycle, making us a bit different,” Cartona’s CEO told
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                , as
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                 the company raises $12 million
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                 Snap snaps in half:
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                 Snap took a beating after releasing its Q2 earnings
                and investors are having none of it. The stock plummeted 40% on Friday, with investors adjusting their expectations for the once-in-vogue social media platform,
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                 Healthcare Prime?
                Amazon bought medical provider One Medical for almost $4 billion. If that left you scratching your noggin,
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                 three takes on why and how that makes sense
                over on TechCrunch+.
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            Image Credits: Cartona
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                Challenged with scaling your engineering team quickly? We can help.
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                Lohika partners with growth-stage technology companies to help them engineer the next Big Thing. We collaborate closely with our clients’ engineering organizations to transform them from bottlenecks to growth drivers. Hear what our clients have to say.
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               Startups and VC
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               Since its launch nine years ago, Seedstars has invested in 81 companies in over 30 emerging countries. Now the firm has set a goal of
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                investing in 100 more startups
               with the launch of its second emerging market seed-stage fund,
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               BAI Capital, the storied China-focused venture investment firm that was formerly known as Bertelsmann Asia Investments, has
               <a style="font-family: Helvetica, Arial;color: #14c435;text-decoration: none">
                raised $700 million to back Chinese companies
               that are part of the country’s structural reform as well as those expanding overseas, reports
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                Framework’s modular laptop computer
               . “Framework isn’t necessarily trying to get people already wild for DIY to go upscale — this is about capturing people who’d like a little more flexibility and reusability but can’t find it in mainstream devices”: I thought this helped to cement the target audience a bit. If that sounds like you, give it a read!
              <p style="font-family: Helvetica, Arial;text-align: left;color: #333;font-size: 19px;line-height: 27px;margin: 0;margin-bottom: 15px">
               Go on then, have a few more:
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                 Not-so-secure messaging:
                Popular video calling and messaging app JusTalk claims to be both secure and encrypted. But a security lapse has proven the app to be
                <a style="font-family: Helvetica, Arial;color: #14c435;text-decoration: none">
                 neither secure nor encrypted
                after a huge cache of users’ unencrypted private messages was found online,
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                 Working remotely or not remotely working:
                77% of managers said they’d consider firing employees or cutting their pay for refusing to return to the office.
                <a style="font-family: Helvetica, Arial;color: #14c435;text-decoration: none">
                 Allwhere launches out of stealth
                to help companies manage their remote workforces better,
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                 Sir? Is this your lead balloon?
                Shares of Zomato dropped as much as
                <a style="font-family: Helvetica, Arial;color: #14c435;text-decoration: none">
                 14% to a record low
                on Monday, the end of the lock-in period for investors who had stakes in the company prior to the initial public offering,
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                 Finding all the solutions all at once:
                World Fund, a newcomer in climate-VC land, is taking the lead
                <a style="font-family: Helvetica, Arial;color: #14c435;text-decoration: none">
                 in a $128 million round for IQM
                , with hopes the Finnish quantum computing company will one day deliver carbon cuts by the megatonne,
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                 You’ve got the power:
                Perfect for people wanting to charge multiple high-draw devices at once,
                <a style="font-family: Helvetica, Arial;color: #14c435;text-decoration: none">
                 Anker’s new GaNPrime charger lineup is cranking out up to 150w of power
                I reported today.
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                How e-commerce brands can outlast this market downturn
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               Inflation is up and consumer confidence is down, which is why e-commerce startups that hope to weather the ongoing downturn should expand their product offerings. Does that sound counterintuitive?
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               “The more complementary and additive a product is to your catalog, the larger your cart size, and the more likely a customer is to return,” says Bennett Carroccio. Prior to co-founding Canal, he worked with hundreds of companies as a consumer investment partner at Andreessen Horowitz.
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                In this TC+ post
               , he identifies two cost centers that are the easiest to control and shares three tactics for “staving off the brand-pocalypse.”
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            Image Credits: Roc Canals / Getty Images
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