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                 How we travel continues to evolve, and since you're a valued TrueBlue member, we want to let you know how we're evolving  what's included in our fares to let you choose what's most valuable to you, and provide peace of mind with flexibility and a better boarding experience.
                  More travel flexibility.
                 All fares will still enjoy no change or cancel fees through 3/31/21. After that, changing or cancelling your plans will still be easy, with:
                 <ul class="ulCov" style="margin-bottom:12px;margin-top:12px; line-height:20px;" type="disc">
                   Blue Basic fares can be changed or cancelled for a fee, based on route.
                   No change or cancellation fees for Blue, Blue Plus, Blue Extra and Mint fares (fare difference applies). Same-day switches can be made on the day of departure (after 12:00 midnight in the departure city's time zone) for $75, without paying a fare difference.
                   There is no charge for same-day switches with Blue Extra fares.
                 (In addition to offering the most flexibility, our Blue, Blue Plus, Blue Extra and Mint Fares let you rack up TrueBlue points and Mosaic qualifying points faster.)
                  Getting a handle on carry-ons.
                 Starting 7/20/21, our new carry-on bag policy will guarantee overhead bin space to those traveling on a Blue, Blue Extra or Mint fare or who book an Even More® Space seat on domestic flights within the U.S.,—or you get a $25 Travel Bank credit
                 <sup style="vertical-align: baseline; position: relative; top: -0.4em; font-size: 12px;">
That's right—no more guessing if there will be room for your bag on board, no matter when you board.
                 <ul class="ulCov" style="margin-bottom:12px;margin-top:12px; line-height:20px;" type="disc">
                   Blue Basic fares booked on or after 2/25/21 for travel 7/20/21 or later will only include a personal item that fits under the seat in front of you. Carry-on bags that go in the overhead bin will not be allowed.
                   Exceptions to the Blue Basic no-carry-on bag policy extend to Mosaic members, travelers combining a Blue Basic fare with an Even More® Space seat, unaccompanied minors and active military.
                 To learn more, and get answers to frequently asked questions, please visit
                 <a style="text-decoration:none; color:#4d90cd;" target="_blank">
                 No matter what fare you choose, you'll always enjoy the award-winning JetBlue experience you know and love—like the most legroom in coach
                 <sup style="vertical-align: baseline; position: relative; top: -0.4em; font-size: 12px;">
                 , fleetwide free high-speed wi-fi
                 <sup style="vertical-align: baseline; position: relative; top: -0.4em; font-size: 12px;">
                 , free inflight entertainment, and free brand-name snacks + drinks.
                 We appreciate your continued loyalty and look forward to welcoming you on board again soon.
                 Here's to blue skies,
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                     Don Uselmann
                     Vice President, Loyalty
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              . JetBlue Airways, 6322 South 3000 East, Suite G10, Salt Lake City, UT 84121.
              1. Valid on JetBlue-operated flights within 12 months.
              2. Based on avg. fleet-wide seat pitch of U.S. airlines.
              3. Fly-Fi® coverage area may vary with aircraft type.  DIRECTV® not available on flights outside the contiguous U.S.
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