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                  <img alt="EXPLORING WYOMING WITH THE SIERRA 1500 AT4 CARBONPRO™ EDITION" border="0" src="" width="293"/>
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                <img alt="Summit White 2020 GMC Sierra 1500 AT4 CarbonProTM Edition parked near a lake in Wyoming with a dirt bike in the back." border="0" src="" width="318"/>
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                     Desert plains, vast forests and majestic mountains: ideal landscapes for the off-road capability of the 2020 GMC Sierra 1500 AT4 CarbonPro Edition.
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                         <img alt="The first-ever 2021 GMC Canyon AT4 driving off-road &amp;ndash Summit White, motion shot." border="0" src="" style="display: block;" width="300"/>
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                        <img alt="MEET THE 2021 CANYON LINEUP FEATURING THE FIRST EVER CANYON AT4" border="0" src="" style="display: block;" width="296"/>
                       <img alt="MEET THE 2021 CANYON LINEUP FEATURING THE FIRST EVER CANYON AT4" border="0" class="hide_for_mobile" height="111" src="" style="display:block;" width="264"/>
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                        The First Ever Canyon AT4 off‑road pickup truck is built for those with the drive to go beyond. It's engineered with the power, capability and fiercely assertive style to leave the road behind.
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                         <img alt="2020 GMC Sierra 1500 AT4 parked at the Arctic Circle while participating in the Alcan 5000 Winter Rally." border="0" src="" style="display: block;" width="300"/>
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                        <img alt="2020 GMC Sierra 1500 AT4 parked at the Arctic Circle while participating in the Alcan 5000 Winter Rally." border="0" class="hide_for_mobile" height="159" src="" style="display:block;" width="264"/>
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                        <img alt="CONQUERING THE CANADIAN ARCTIC IN THE ALCAN 5000" border="0" src="" style="display: block;" width="296"/>
                       <img alt="CONQUERING THE CANADIAN ARCTIC IN THE ALCAN 5000" border="0" class="hide_for_mobile" height="111" src="" style="display:block;" width="264"/>
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                        The Alcan 5000 Winter Rally challenges driving teams to reach the Arctic while competing in short driving events along the way. Find out how the 2020 GMC Sierra 1500 AT4 CarbonPro Edition―equipped with the available Duramax 3.0L Turbo Diesel I‑6 engine―fared in one of the most remote locations in North America.
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                   <img alt="2020 GMC Sierra Denali 1500 Crew Cab, Short Box, parked in the driving way of upscale home - Dark Sky Metallic; Vail, CO" border="0" src="" width="318"/>
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                  <img alt="2020 GMC Sierra Denali 1500 Crew Cab, Short Box, parked in the driving way of upscale home - Dark Sky Metallic; Vail, CO" border="0" class="hide_for_mobile" height="286" src="" style="display:block;" width="548"/>
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                     "Shop. Click. Drive." is an easy‑to‑use tool that can help you find the perfect vehicle in our current lineup, estimate your trade‑in value and monthly payments and even apply 
 for credit through GM Financial―right on a participating dealer's website. You may even be able to schedule delivery straight to your driveway with participating dealers where available.
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                   <img alt="Six vehicle pack shot featuring the GMC Sierra 2500 Denali HD, the GMC Canyon Denali, the GMC Sierra Denali Ultimate, the GMC Yukon Denali, the GMC Terrain Denali and the GMC Acadia Denali." border="0" src="" width="318"/>
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                  <img alt="Six vehicle pack shot featuring the GMC Sierra 2500 Denali HD, the GMC Canyon Denali, the GMC Sierra Denali Ultimate, the GMC Yukon Denali, the GMC Terrain Denali and the GMC Acadia Denali." border="0" class="hide_for_mobile" height="117" src="" style="display:block;" width="548"/>
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