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   This warrants a test drive
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   This warrants a test drive
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             <img alt="2023 IIHS Top Safety Pick: 2024 Outlander" class="full480" src="" style="margin:0; padding:0 0 10px 0; border:none; display:block;" width="320"/>
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               Welcome to your inner sanctuary
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               Modern and spacious, the
                2024 Outlander’s
               interior perfectly embodies Japanese hospitality, or Omotenashi. Meticulous attention has been paid to every aspect of the cabin’s design to create a space that provides unrivaled comfort on every road trip. Soft materials and diamond-stitched leather create an ambience of refined elegance, while the pleasing texture of the knobs, dials, and buttons are continuous reminders that you’re sitting in the lap of luxury.
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               Employee of the month
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               Mitsubishi Motors was founded on confidence and reliability. That’s why restaurant owner Moe Davis trusts us to deliver the 60,000+ orders he receives each year. He’s put into service over 200 Mirages, renowned for their fuel efficiency and affordability, to get the job done. In an industry fueled by twists and turns, it’s important to have a vehicle you can count on.
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               “I’ve bought thousands of vehicles in my life for my various businesses, and I’ve never had a more reliable car.”
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               Stay up to date on the latest owner stories on Mitsubishi News!
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               PHOTO CREDIT
               O’Brien Digital
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             <img alt="PREPRODUCTION MODEL DEPICTED. ACTUAL PRODUCTION MODEL MAY VARY. 2024 Outlander Sport." class="full480" src="" style="margin:0; padding:0 0 10px 0; border:none; display:block;" width="320"/>
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               Adventure seekers, meet your match
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               You can always count on the Outlander Sport to answer when adventure calls. Go off the beaten path with enhanced horsepower and standard All-Wheel Control
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               (AWC) for smooth driving on practically every terrain. Drive from coast to coast in perfect comfort with a spacious interior and five-person seating. Catch everything from sun and surf to mountains and valleys in a vehicle built for the road less traveled.
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                   BUILD &amp; PRICE
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               Cruise with Confidence
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               Experience confidence like never before. The new Mitsubishi Motors Confidence, an integrated care program, is paving the way toward peace of mind by introducing standard services on each and every 2024 model.
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                  • 2-Year/30,000-Mile Limited Maintenance
                  <sup style="font-size:8px; line-height:0; mso-line-height-rule: exactly;">
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                  • 10-Year/100,000-Mile Powertrain Limited Warranty
                  <sup style="font-size:8px; line-height:0; mso-line-height-rule: exactly;">
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                  • 5-Year/Unlimited-Mile Roadside Assistance
                  <sup style="font-size:8px; line-height:0; mso-line-height-rule: exactly;">
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                   EXPLORE CONFIDENCE
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                <img alt="2024 OUTLANDER SPECIAL APR OFFER 0.0% APR for 36 months(5). LEARN MORE." class="photo" height="320" src="" style="margin:0 2px 0 0px; padding:0px; width: 320px; border:none; display:block;height: 320px;" width="320"/>
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                <img alt="ALL-NEW 2023 OUTLANDER PLUG-IN HYBRID.  $285 PER MO FOR 24 MO(6) WITH FEDERAL EV INCENTIVE. LEARN MORE." class="photo" height="320" src="" style="margin: 0 0 0 0px; padding:0px; width: 320px; border:none;height: 320px; display:block" width="320"/>
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            Available feature. All-Wheel Control (AWC) is an Integrated Vehicle Dynamics Control System that manages the driving forces and braking forces of the four wheels to help realize vehicle behavior that is faithful to the operation by the driver under a variety of driving conditions. AWC is not a substitute for safe and careful driving.
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            Included on 2024 model-year Mitsubishi Motors vehicles sold in the United States. Includes the following services and parts: 1st service (12-months/12,000 miles) – oil and filter changes, tire rotation, and multi-point inspection; 2nd service (24-months/30,000 miles) - oil and filter changes, tire rotation, cabin air filter change, and multi-point inspection; 3rd service (24-months/30,000 miles) - oil and filter changes, tire rotation, and multi-point inspection. Mitsubishi Motors genuine oil and parts only. Services and parts not specified herein are excluded. Valid only for original owner of new, retailed 2024 model-year Mitsubishi Motors vehicle purchased from an authorized Mitsubishi Motors dealer in the United States, and not transferrable to any subsequent owner. Service not redeemed within specified time/mileage window is forfeited.
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            All coverage terms are from the original in-service date and are applicable only to the original owner of new, retailed models purchased from an authorized Mitsubishi retailer. Subsequent owners receive the balance of the Limited Warranty of 5 years/60,000 miles. See retailer for limited warranty and roadside assistance terms and conditions.
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            Timed from the date first sold or put into use, whichever is earlier. Coverage excludes winching of vehicles off road, vehicles disabled in rally racing or other competitive events and vehicles used for commercial purposes, such as police, taxi, route delivery, livery or daily rental services. Please see your warranty manual for details. MMNA reserves the right to limit and/or change available services.
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            0.0% APR for 36 months (36 monthly payments of $27.78 per $1,000 financed at 0.0% APR with $0 down payment). Available through Santander Consumer USA, subject to approved credit and insurance. Some customers will not qualify. Price, terms and vehicle availability may vary. This offer may not combine with factory cash rebates. See your participating dealer for details. Offer valid from 1‌0/13/20‌23 through 1‌0/31/20‌23.
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            $285 per month / 24 months / $4,284 due at lease signing. Includes $6,200 EV Lease Customer Cash offer and $1000 lease rebate. 10,000 miles/year. No security deposit required. Monthly payment includes $595 acquisition fee. Excludes tax, title, license, and dealer options and charges. Lease example for 2023 Outlander PHEV SE S-AWC, MSRP $42,480 plus $1,445 ($1,570 Alaska / Hawaii) destination and handling. Net capitalized cost is $32,950 and includes $595 acquisition fee, $1000 lease rebate, and $6,321 Federal EV lease incentive, applied as EV Lease Customer Cash for a capitalized cost reduction. Available through Santander Consumer USA, subject to approved credit and insurance. Qualified lessees of a 2023 Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV may qualify for up to a $7,000 lease incentive. Lease incentive is offered by a third party as a cap cost reduction, is not within Mitsubishi’s control, and is subject to change without notice. Lessees cannot claim a tax credit on personal tax return. Consult a tax professional for details and eligibility requirements. This information does not constitute tax or legal advice. Restrictions apply. Incentives referenced are for informational purposes only. Option to purchase at lease end at price determined at lease signing. Lessee is responsible for maintenance, repairs, excess wear, and $0.25 per mile over 10,000 miles/year and $395 disposition fee if applicable. Contact your dealer for details. Offer valid from ‌1‌0‌/‌0‌3‌/‌2‌0‌2‌3‌ through ‌1‌0‌/‌3‌1‌/‌2‌0‌2‌3‌.
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