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               Craft - We Won Together Our First Webby Award!
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                   <span class="gradient-0">
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                     We won our first Webby Award
                   - the even more exciting news was that we could grab the People’s Voice category, where your vote counted alone! 🎉
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                   Over the past few weeks, the
                   <span class="gradient-1">
                    <span font-weight="700" style="color: rgb(119,74,211); font-weight: 700;">
                     Community has come together to help Craft win the best Productivity and collaboration title.
                   Seeing the constant positive messages and support from the Community Members was great.
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                   For us, the Community was always a key piece
                   <span font-weight="700" style="color: rgb(31,34,37); font-weight: 700;">
                    to building Craft together with our users —
                   discussing ideas, bugs, and feedback on a daily basis. With every update, the whole Team is excited to see how the Community welcomes changes and surprises.
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                   Since early this year we have a renewed focus on our
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                     Slack Community
                   , but we also started to be much more active on
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                    <span style="-webkit-text-decoration: underline; -webkit-text-fill-color: rgb(16,85,146); color: rgb(16,85,146); text-decoration: underline;" text-decoration="underline">
                   , and our plan is to build up a strong presence there as well (maybe an AMA session some time?).
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                   2024 so far
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                       2024 started for us back in 2023, we sat down with the Team and decided to
                       <span font-weight="700" style="color: rgb(31,34,37); font-weight: 700;">
                        focus much more on single users and small groups working together.
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                       We want to ensure that
                       <span font-weight="700" style="color: rgb(31,34,37); font-weight: 700;">
                        Craft is a powerful and secure place
                       where you can
                       <span font-weight="700" style="color: rgb(31,34,37); font-weight: 700;">
                        write and share beautiful documents
                       with others or on your own.
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                   To achieve these goals, we continued with our renewed focus at the end of last year, and then in early 2024,
                   <span font-weight="700" style="color: rgb(31,34,37); font-weight: 700;">
                    we released Craft Reloaded
                   and several major updates, just to name some of the most important announcements:
             <td style="min-width: 10px; padding: 0;" width="10">
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                   Google Docs-like document sharing with anyone
             <td style="min-width: 10px; padding: 0;" width="10">
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                   Task Management updates
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                   A brand new Presentation Mode
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                   Table of Contents on every platform
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                   Table improvements
             <td style="min-width: 10px; padding: 0;" width="10">
          <p style="height: 4.9px; line-height: 4.9px; margin: 0; max-height: 4.9px; padding: 0;">
          <table style="border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0; padding: 0; table-layout: fixed; width: 100%;">
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              <p style="color: #1F2225; display: inline; font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 17px; font-style: normal; font-weight: 400; line-height: 25.5px; margin: 0; margin-left: 4px; padding: 0; width: 28px; word-break: break-word;">
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                   Sounds and Haptics update
             <td style="min-width: 10px; padding: 0;" width="10">
          <p style="height: 4.9px; line-height: 4.9px; margin: 0; max-height: 4.9px; padding: 0;">
          <table style="border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0; padding: 0; table-layout: fixed; width: 100%;">
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                   In-Document Zoom
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                   Major performance updates
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          <p style="height: 4.9px; line-height: 4.9px; margin: 0; max-height: 4.9px; padding: 0;">
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              <p style="color: #1F2225; display: inline; font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 17px; font-style: normal; font-weight: 400; line-height: 25.5px; margin: 0; margin-left: 4px; padding: 0; width: 28px; word-break: break-word;">
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                   Extra type of card, backgrounds
             <td style="min-width: 10px; padding: 0;" width="10">
          <p style="height: 11.9px; line-height: 11.9px; margin: 0; max-height: 11.9px; padding: 0;">
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                     You can read all of our previous update notes here
             <td style="min-width: 10px; padding: 0;" width="10">
          <p style="height: 42.24px; line-height: 42.24px; margin: 0; max-height: 42.24px; padding: 0;">
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                   There is a lot more to come
             <td style="min-width: 10px; padding: 0;" width="10">
          <p style="height: 14.14px; line-height: 14.14px; margin: 0; max-height: 14.14px; padding: 0;">
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                   2024 is already an action-packed year, but
                   <span font-weight="700" style="color: rgb(31,34,37); font-weight: 700;">
                    compared to our plans, we are just still starting
             <td style="min-width: 10px; padding: 0;" width="10">
          <p style="height: 12.9px; line-height: 12.9px; margin: 0; max-height: 12.9px; padding: 0;">
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                   When we sat down last year together, we drew up a plan that included brand new capabilities for Craft (such as Whiteboards and powerful Task Management) and going back to the basics and continuously improving the core editing capabilities.
             <td style="min-width: 10px; padding: 0;" width="10">
          <p style="height: 12.9px; line-height: 12.9px; margin: 0; max-height: 12.9px; padding: 0;">
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                   Our Summer update is just around the corner, arriving in May as our next major chapter in 2024.
             <td style="min-width: 10px; padding: 0;" width="10">
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          <p style="height: 12.9px; line-height: 12.9px; margin: 0; max-height: 12.9px; padding: 0;">
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                   Of course,
                   <span font-weight="700" style="color: rgb(31,34,37); font-weight: 700;">
                    listening to and acting upon our users
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                    feedback is always part of our plans
                   , so let us know what you would like to see next by emailing
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                     Craft Community
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                        Last tip
                       - if you don't want to miss our teasers and early look of the next exciting thing that we are working on,
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                        consider to follow us on
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                       - do it now, as reminders are not (yet) available in Craft 😉
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