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   More utility than a pickup. Better performance than a sports car. Cybertruck is designed for high-performance both on and off-road, accelerating from 0-60 in less than 2.9 seconds with estimated range of over 500 miles, depending on your configuration.
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                 More utility than a pickup. Better performance than a sports car.
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                 Cybertruck is designed for high-performance both on and off-road, accelerating from 0-60 in less than 2.9 seconds with estimated range of over 500 miles, depending on your configuration. Standard adaptive air suspension offers up to 16” of ground clearance with self-leveling capabilities that can adapt to any occasion.
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                 An exoskeleton of Tesla stainless steel and Tesla armor glass protects you and your passengers—with 100 cubic feet of exterior, lockable storage to store your gear. Utilize the maximum capability of Cybertruck with a tow rating of more than 14,000 pounds and load your vault with up to 3,500 pounds of payload capacity.
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