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   Because rectangles don’t always quite cut it.
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                   We don’t believe in one size fits all
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              Who said rectangular Business Cards were the only option? Not us. Try out our delightfully different Square Business Cards. Choose from four premium papers stocks, add some foil or Spot Gloss and go one step further and round off the corners.
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              Shop now
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          Display your art
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          Brand designer
          <a name="ugc_instagram_1" target="_blank">
          simply used a muted palette and her own artwork on these cards. Side note: you can purchase the illustrations on them too!
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              Round those corners
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          When life gives you lemons?
         <p style="font-weight:normal;font-family: 'Bryant MOO Pro Regular', 'Bryant MOO Pro', 'Avenir Next Rounded Pro Regular', Avenir, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size: 18px; color: #373C40; margin: 0 0 20px 0; line-height: 120%;">
          Make Square Business Cards covered in them, as done perfectly by digital creator
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              Squeeze this
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          designed these cards for Santa Monica Photography. Gold Foil never looked so good!
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