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               Costco Services gives you access to third-party providers with member-only values for your home, business and life. The wide array of services includes everything from water delivery and identity protection to mortgages, insurance options and much more.
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                     Bottled Water Delivery
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                    Enjoy exclusive pricing on bottled water conveniently delivered to your home.
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                     Ameriprise Auto &amp; Home Insurance
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                    Costco members may receive an exclusive discount on auto and home insurance
                    . Get a quote today. Call 1‑866‑855‑3125 and mention reference number: 8NT.
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                    Help protect your loved ones with life insurance from Protective Life.
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                    Enjoy comprehensive monitoring &amp; restoration expertise at a low Costco member price.
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                     Checks, Forms &amp; Accessories
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                    Choose from a variety of personal and business checks, forms and accessories from Harland Clarke.
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                    Save 15% on parts, service and accessories for your vehicle.
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                         Payment Processing
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                        Elavon can assist your small business in reducing your payment processing costs.
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                         Business Phone Services
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                        Get member‑only value on phone services packed with remote working features.
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               Pricing valid for current Costco members only. Entry into Service Agreement required to receive stated pricing. Minimum order and credit approval may be required in select areas. Variable energy surcharge, bottle deposits, paper invoice fees and late fees may apply. Customer subject to CA CASH REFUND or applicable state bottle deposits on all cases. Not available in all areas. Dispenser is not included in bottle price and selection subject to availability. Water type is subject to availability. Available for a limited time only. Pricing may be subject to change. Service provided by third party vendor.
               Costco and its affiliates do not sell the water or provide the equipment and/or delivery services associated with this program. All new accounts are subject to a price prearranged with the vendor. Certain products or services may be excluded from the program. Actual savings may vary based on water delivered and equipment leased and/or purchased.
               <span style="font-size:14px;">
                Ameriprise Auto &amp; Home Insurance is the marketing name of
                 IDS Property Casualty Insurance Company
                 Ameriprise Insurance Company
                , De Pere, WI,
               both of which have sole financial responsibility for their own products. Insurance is underwritten by either company, depending on the state. The American Family Connect Insurance Agency, Inc., places policies with unaffiliated insurers. Each insurer is solely responsible for the claims on its policies and pays the Agency for policies sold. Prices, coverages and privacy policies vary among these insurers. Both companies and the agency are subsidiaries of American Family Insurance Mutual Holding Company which acquired both companies and the agency from Ameriprise Financial, Inc. in 2019. The terms “Ameriprise Auto &amp; Home Insurance,” “Ameriprise Insurance,” “Ameriprise Insurance Company” and “IDS Property Casualty Insurance Company” are being used by American Family Insurance Mutual Holding Company under a license from Ameriprise Financial on a temporary basis. Ameriprise Auto &amp; Home Insurance and the associated logo is a registered trademark of Ameriprise Financial, Inc. which is also being used under license. Specific products may vary and may not be available in all states in accordance with state filings and applicable law. Costco Insurance Agency, Inc. is not licensed in New York state. Insurance products are not obtained through the Costco Insurance Agency in New York. Discounts and savings vary by state and apply to certain coverages. Insurance availability may vary by region or state. Certain restrictions and limitations apply. Costco Wholesale, Costco Insurance Agency, Inc. and its subsidiaries do not underwrite insurance, pay claims or guarantee any of the products or services offered by Ameriprise Auto &amp; Home Insurance.
               Costco member discount is subject to eligibility and underwriting criteria. It is not available in TN, on home insurance in MI, or on auto insurance of non-Executive Members in MA. Discounts, service and savings vary by state and apply to certain coverages.
               Acceptance for coverage and pricing is subject to eligibility and underwriting criteria. Member Advantage Life (ICC16-TL21/TL-21), is a term life insurance policy issued exclusively to Costco members by Protective Life Insurance Company (PLICO), Brentwood, TN. Not available in New York. Policy form numbers, product features and availability may vary by state. Consult policy for benefits, riders, limitations, and exclusions. Coverage and pricing is subject to eligibility and underwriting criteria. Up to a two-year contestable and suicide period. Benefits adjusted for misstatements of age or sex. In Montana, unisex rates apply. Any quote that is present is only an estimate and the actual premium and rate class will be determined after the underwriting process is completed. Costco Insurance Agency, Inc. and Costco Wholesale do not issue, underwrite insurance or pay claims under PLICO policies. Insurance is underwritten by PLICO.
               Costco Insurance Agency, Inc. (CIA), a licensed insurance agent, may receive compensation from PLICO and/or its affiliates. CIA and its affiliates do not guarantee the services of any insurance company. PLICO and its affiliates are separate, independent of and distinct from CIA. CIA is not responsible for the financial condition or obligations of PLICO. The California license number for Protective is 07726. The California license number for Costco Insurance Agency is 0D08407. (CD.1619386.03.20)
               $8.99 per person per month for Executive Members or $13.99 per person per month for Gold Star and Business Members, plus sales tax where applicable. Service provided by Experian®.
               15% discount only applies to work done at participating service centers, not Costco Tire Centers. It cannot be used toward the purchase of air bags, oil changes, tires, state-mandated vehicle inspections or be combined with other promotions or incentives. Not applicable to 1) prior services, parts or work; 2) items covered by a vehicle’s warranty or insurance policy; 3) or at the time of vehicle purchase or lease. Not all Costco Auto Program dealerships currently participate in this benefit. Maximum savings per coupon: $500. Costco member must pay sales tax and tax is charged on the purchase amount prior to discount where required.
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