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            Premier Comfort
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            The Purple Hybrid Premier® 4 is our best mattress yet. It’s made with our deepest GelFlex™ Grid, a premium coil system, and a soft StretchMax cover. These premium materials work together to give you the sleep of your dreams.
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            Buy a Hybrid Premier 4 now and get Complete Comfort Sheets and a Purple Cloud™ Pillow FREE with your purchase.
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                  It’s What’s on the Inside That Counts
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            Sleep Better With Purple
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            More GelFlex Grid means less pressure, which means even more comfort + support. Get 4" of GelFlex Grid, supported by premium coils, for the best sleep ever.
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            Sleep Now, Pay Later
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            Get your dream mattress with comfortable payment options through Affirm. No hard credit check required. Simply pick your preferred payment option and plan. Then enjoy financing as low as 0% APR.
            No fees. No surprises. Just the unparalled comfort of the Purple GelFlex™ Grid, all year long.
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