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   Email from Litmus
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    Plus iOS 17 explained for email marketers, our animated GIF tutorial, and more. ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌
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             Your monthly roundup of the latest email marketing, design, and development strategies from Litmus
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              <span style="mso-text-raise: 3pt;">
                November 2023
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               <td align="center" style="padding: 20px 0 0;" valign="top">
                  Take the Mystery Out of Gmail Categories
               <td align="left" style="padding: 20px 0 0;" valign="top">
                <p style="text-align: left;">
                 Where will your email land in Gmail? Find out which category your email is likely to appear in with one simple send.
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                    Gaze into the future
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               <td align="center" style="padding: 20px 0 0;" valign="top">
                <img alt="Join the email geeks checking out the Gmail tab" height="52" src="" style="width: 100%; max-width: 335px; height: auto;" width="335"/>
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                <img alt="Kimberly Huang smiling sweetly" border="0" height="75" src="" style="display: block; padding: 0; margin: 0 auto;" width="75"/>
               <td align="left" valign="middle">
                 Kimberly Huang
                 Content Marketing Manager, Litmus
           <td align="left" style="padding: 20px 0 30px;" valign="top">
            <p style="text-align: left;">
             One more time for the people in the back: Gmail’s Promotions Tab is
             <strong style="font-style: italic;">
             the spam folder! It’s merely a way to help Gmail users categorize legitimate emails (and very much part of the inbox).
             Plus, once you’re in the Promotions tab, there’s a
             you can do to stand out—like Deal Annotations (think coupon codes), Product Carousels, and more.
             Still not convinced? Check out
             <a style="color: #0f618a;">
              all the possibilities here.
             Then, find out
             <a style="color: #0f618a;">
              where in Gmail your email will land
             with our latest tool.
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               <li style="color: #0e1112; text-align: left;">
                <a style="text-decoration: none; color: #262524;">
                  Guide to Animated GIFs in Email →
               <li style="color: #0e1112; text-align: left; margin-top: 20px;">
                <a style="text-decoration: none; color: #262524;">
                  Show, Don’t Tell: Live Polls &amp; Social Proof →
               <li style="color: #0e1112; text-align: left; margin-top: 20px;">
                <a style="text-decoration: none; color: #262524;">
                  How to Add Progress Bars with Litmus Personalize →
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                    iOS 17 explained.
                   Here’s what email marketers need to know, plus
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                    findings from our own testing.
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                    Evaluating AI tools.
                   Look past the numbers to
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                    determine whether it’s right for you.
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                    Hybrid vs. responsive design.
                   Why are both important and
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                    which should you choose
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             A closer look...
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             Animated GIFs, email ROI, and social proof
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                  <img alt="A ball bouncing into the hero image of an email." class="fadeimg" height="249" src="" style="width: 100%; max-width: 560px; height: auto;" width="560"/>
                <td align="center" style="padding: 20px 0;" valign="top">
                 <h3 style="font-size: 24px; line-height: 34px;">
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                   Guide to Animated GIFs in Email
                <td align="left" style="padding-bottom: 10px; mso-padding-alt: 0 20px 0;" valign="top">
                 <p style="text-align: left; margin-bottom: 10px;">
                  You love them, and so do your subscribers. Bring joy to the inbox with animated GIFs—and learn how to create them in this step-by-step guide.
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                     “You love them, and so do your subscribers. Bring joy to the inbox with animated GIFs—and learn how to create them in this step-by-step guide.”
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                 <h3 style="font-size: 24px; line-height: 34px;">
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                   Show, Don’t Tell: Live Polls &amp; Social Proof
                <td align="left" style="padding-bottom: 10px; mso-padding-alt: 0 20px 0;" valign="top">
                 <p style="text-align: left; margin-bottom: 10px;">
                  Live polls and social proof can turn your emails into a living and breathing hub for engagement. Let your subscriber click data tell the story for you and garner excitement with every interaction.
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                     “Using polling is a quick and easy way to give our emails a new dimension; it takes customer engagement to the next level. It allows us to use customer responses to make our emails even more personalized.”
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                   3 Steps to Improve Your Email Marketing ROI
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                 <p style="text-align: left; margin-bottom: 10px;">
                  We—and our friends at ZeroBounce—are
                  fans of the 3P flow: plan, purge, and preview. Get a breakdown of how to apply these steps to improve your email deliverability and boost your email ROI.
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                     Optimize your emails
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               How it works: Progress Bars with Litmus Personalize
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                <p style="text-align: left;">
                 Want to celebrate each subscriber’s journey with your brand? Acknowledge how close they are to reaching that next reward tier or milestone—and encourage them to take action—with a customizable progress bar. The options are endless! (And ICYMI, all Litmus customers can now add progress bars to their email campaigns in just a few clicks!
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                   The most popular ESP?
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                   Find out in The State of ESPs Report.
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                   There’s one for every occasion.
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