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   AT&amp;T Fiber
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      Find out if AT&amp;T Fiber is available in your neighborhood with unlimited data.
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            <img alt="AT&amp;T Fiber. Here’s to superfast, reliable internet. Unlock AT&amp;T Fiber®: Fast internet at a straightforward price. Limited availability in select areas. Learn more." src="" width="700"/>
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            <img alt="AT&amp;T Fiber. Here’s to superfast, reliable internet. Unlock AT&amp;T Fiber®: Fast internet at a straightforward price. Limited availability in select areas. Learn more." src="" width="100%"/>
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            <img alt="A reliable internet connection keeps your home and work life in sync. Based on network availability." src="" width="700"/>
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            <img alt="A reliable internet connection keeps your home and work life in sync. Based on network availability." src="" width="100%"/>
         <div class="img-wrap">
           <span class="hide-for-small">
            <img alt="Simple, straightforward pricing. No price increase at 12 months. No annual contract. No data caps. No equipment fees." src="" width="700"/>
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            <img alt="Simple, straightforward pricing. No price increase at 12 months. No annual contract. No data caps. No equipment fees." src="" width="100%"/>
         <div class="img-wrap">
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            <img alt="AT&amp;T All-Fi™—a next generation Wi-Fi experience that delivers more coverage to more corners of your home than ever. Compatible gateway w/ Wi-Fi 6 subj to avail. Optimal performance req’s Wi-Fi 6 enabled devices. Whole-home Wi-Fi connectivity may require AT&amp;T Smart Wi-Fi Extenders for an add’l monthly chrg." src="" width="700"/>
           <span class="show-for-small">
            <img alt="AT&amp;T All-Fi™—a next generation Wi-Fi experience that delivers more coverage to more corners of your home than ever. Compatible gateway w/ Wi-Fi 6 subj to avail. Optimal performance req’s Wi-Fi 6 enabled devices. Whole-home Wi-Fi connectivity may require AT&amp;T Smart Wi-Fi Extenders for an add’l monthly chrg." src="" width="100%"/>
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            <img alt="Enjoy unlimited internet data. A future of limitless possibilities." src="" width="700"/>
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            <img alt="Enjoy unlimited internet data. A future of limitless possibilities." src="" width="100%"/>
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            <img alt="The superfast speed you need, plus no bundle required. Get started with AT&amp;T Fiber. $55/mo.(1). Plus taxes. Autopay &amp; Paperless Bill req’d*. 300Mbps††. Limited availability in select areas. *Price after $5/mo. Autopay &amp; Paperless bill discount (w/in 2 bills). Monthly State Cost Recovery Charge in TX, OH, NV applies. One time install charge may apply. See below for details. Explore AT&amp;T Fiber." src="" width="700"/>
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            <img alt="The superfast speed you need, plus no bundle required. Get started with AT&amp;T Fiber. $55/mo.(1). Plus taxes. Autopay &amp; Paperless Bill req’d*. 300Mbps††. Limited availability in select areas. *Price after $5/mo. Autopay &amp; Paperless bill discount (w/in 2 bills). Monthly State Cost Recovery Charge in TX, OH, NV applies. One time install charge may apply. See below for details. Explore AT&amp;T Fiber." src="" width="100%"/>
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            <img alt="Want faster internet? Ask how you can get the fastest interent now delivering up to 5-Gig speeds. Fastest among major internet service providers, based on 5Gbps offering. Internet speed claims represent maximum wired network service capability speeds to the home and recommended setup. Actual customer speeds are not guaranteed. Single device wired speed maximum 4.7Gbps. For more information go to Limited availability in select areas. Check availability." src="" width="700"/>
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            <img alt="Want faster internet? Ask how you can get the fastest interent now delivering up to 5-Gig speeds. Fastest among major internet service providers, based on 5Gbps offering. Internet speed claims represent maximum wired network service capability speeds to the home and recommended setup. Actual customer speeds are not guaranteed. Single device wired speed maximum 4.7Gbps. For more information go to Limited availability in select areas. Check availability." src="" width="100%"/>
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            <img alt="Find out if you’re eligible for FREE, unlimited AT&amp;T Fiber with the Affordable Connectivity Program. W/ access from AT&amp;T. 100Mbps. Ltd. avail/areas. Terms, conditions &amp; restr’s apply. Learn more." src="" width="700"/>
           <span class="show-for-small">
            <img alt="Find out if you’re eligible for FREE, unlimited AT&amp;T Fiber with the Affordable Connectivity Program. W/ access from AT&amp;T. 100Mbps. Ltd. avail/areas. Terms, conditions &amp; restr’s apply. Learn more." src="" width="100%"/>
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            INTERNET OFFER:
           Subj. to change and may be discontinued at any time.
          Price for Internet 300 for new residential customers &amp; is after $5/mo. autopay &amp; paperless bill discount.
           Autopay &amp; Paperless Bill Discount:
          Discount off the monthly rate when account is active &amp; enrolled in both. Pay full plan cost until discount starts w/in 2 bill cycles. Must maintain autopay/paperless bill and valid email address to continue discount.
           Taxes &amp; Fees:
          Up to $99 installation fee may apply, plus tax where applicable. Monthly cost recovery charge which are not government‑required apply in TX, OH and NV. Taxes also apply. For one time AT&amp;T transactional fees, see
          <a class="a2" style="white-space:nowrap">
          for details. Credit restrictions apply.
           Pricing subject to change.
          Subj. to Internet Terms of Service at
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           ††Internet speed claims
          represent maximum network service capabilities and based on wired connection to gateway. Actual customer speeds may vary based on a number of factors and are not guaranteed. For more information, go to
          <a class="a2" style="white-space:nowrap">
           Access from AT&amp;T
          is a low cost program for home internet service to eligible limited income households who participate in the Affordable Connectivity Program, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for California residents. Eligible households who qualify and enroll in the Affordable Connectivity Program and Access from AT&amp;T can receive internet at no charge with AT&amp;T Internet plans (768K‑100M) and w/AT&amp;T Fiber (100M only). A Wi‑Fi gateway/modem and installation included at no charge.
            The Affordable Connectivity Program
          is a federal government benefit program operated by the Federal Communications Commission that lowers the price of eligible service up to $30/mo., or up to $75/mo. on Tribal Lands. The benefit is not transferable to other consumers. Only eligible consumers may enroll in the program. Only one benefit is allowed per household and the benefit may only be applied to one service, regardless of service provider. If the program ends, you transfer your benefit to another service provider, or you are no longer eligible for the program, regular plan rates will apply.
           AT&amp;T reserves the right to remove the monthly discount at any time. If your monthly service charge is $0 after the discount, you must use your service every 30 days, or the discount will be removed.
           Eligible Consumers:
          To establish eligibility, you must enter your eligibility information into the National Verifier at
          <a class="a2">
          , then call
          <a style="color:#000000">
          with your application ID and enroll in the ACP with AT&amp;T for your eligible internet service to complete your enrollment. You must show, with documentation as needed, that your household income is at or below 200% of Federal Poverty Guidelines for a household of that size; or that at least one member of the household participates in a qualifying federal assistance program or, if on Tribal Lands, participates in certain Tribal‑specific federal assistance programs. For more details, visit
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           AT&amp;T, 1055 Lenox Park Boulevard, Atlanta, GA 30319
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