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   Leverage the power of quantitative and qualitative data. With FullStory, organizations of all sizes and industries use quantitative and qualitative data to understand user behavior, as well as the why behind it.
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                   OPTIMIZING DX
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                   Leverage the power of quantitative and qualitative data
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                   With FullStory, organizations of all sizes and industries use quantitative and qualitative data to understand user behavior, as well as the why behind it.
                   Younique, a $1B beauty brand, used FullStory to:
                     Revolutionize communication between customer care and product management teams
                     Reduce ticket resolution time from
                      days to minutes
                     Clearly monitor correlation between feature engagement and conversion
                   Read Younique’s story to learn why they call FullStory as a “game-changer” for their digital experience.
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               FullStory, Inc. 1745 Peachtree St NW, Atlanta, GA 30309
               © 2021 FullStory, Inc. All rights reserved.
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