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   Hey James—Koen from Framer here.
   Thanks for signing up to try our prototyping tool for teams. We started building Framer 5 years ago as a technical prototyping tool that allows for the highest flexibility and fidelity, used by the best designers in the world.
   Today, Framer empowers everyone to build the best prototypes, using the skills that you already have as a designer. We added visual tools to express almost every interaction, from scrolling to transitions to navigation—all at the highest quality possible. Making your mock real just takes a few minutes.
   Here are a couple of our favorite resources to kickstart your prototypes:
    If you’re looking to build something specific,
    <a target="_blank">
     start with a template
    to create anything from UI kits to websites, apps, and presentations.
    If you want to see how other teams use Framer together,
    <a rel="noreferrer nofollow noopener" target="_blank">
     watch this session on best practices for prototyping in teams
    . You’ll get great insight on bridging the gaps between design and development and discover favorite components that make high-fidelity prototyping dead simple.
   Finally, be sure to
   <a target="_blank">
    join more than 6K Framer users on our Discord community
   —it’s a great place to ask questions, chat with other designers, and show off your prototypes.
   Enjoy and keep making cool stuff,
   Framer B.V., Singel 258, 1016 AB, Amsterdam, Netherlands
   Because you're not opted in to Framer marketing emails, this is the last you’ll hear from us for a while. If you want more prototyping tips and resources for using Framer in your inbox,
    subscribe to Framer emails
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