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   Let's dine out
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          Dine in person,
          save with DoorDash
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           <td align="left">
            <p class="p2">
             Dine Out's selection of handpicked San Francisco eateries has in-person deals at all your favorite spots.
             Weekday lunch or weekend treat, it's time to dine in person and save.
           <td align="left" style="padding:8px 0 24px 0;">
            <table align="left" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" role="presentation">
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               <div class="button" id="Red200">
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                 Explore all deals
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            <p class="p3">
             Only available on the DoorDash mobile app for iOS.
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          Your first look at our new deals
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          PROMOTIONAL DETAILS: These terms and conditions govern the DoorDash Dine Out Deal program (the “
          <strong style="">
          ”). Under the Program, DoorDash (“
          <strong style="">
          ,” “
          <strong style="">
          ,” “
          <strong style="">
          ”) may offer, from time to time, a promotion, discount, credit, or other incentive to you in exchange for your dining in person at an eligible restaurant and meeting certain other requirements (a “
          <strong style="">
          ”). Deals will be displayed to you in the DoorDash app if you are eligible, and you must typically take two steps to qualify for and receive a Deal: (1) “
          <strong style="">
          ” the Deal, which means you affirmatively select the Deal in the app; and (2) “
          <strong style="">
          ” the Deal, which means you meet all of the requirements stated in the Deal that you Claimed. Deals may vary from one another, and each Deal will state all applicable details and requirements, such as: the type and/or amount of the promotion, discount, credit, or other incentive being offered (for example, the amount of DoorDash credits you will receive by successfully Redeeming the Deal); the timeframe in which the Deal must be Claimed and, once Claimed, the timeframe in which the Deal must be Redeemed; the amount of money you must spend dining in person at the restaurant, if applicable; and how to successfully Redeem the Deal (for example, by successfully checking in at the restaurant from the DoorDash app or by submitting a receipt showing that you dined in person at the restaurant). Some Deals may be limited to a certain number of customers who first Claim the Deal, which will be stated in the Deal. Redeeming a Deal typically requires dining in person at the restaurant specified in the Deal you Claimed and meeting all other requirements of the Deal. If a restaurant has multiple locations, a Deal may be limited to certain locations as stated in the Deal. Eligible restaurants are subject to change without notice.
          If you submit a receipt in connection with a Deal, you are responsible for ensuring the receipt does not contain any personal information, such as a full credit card number, and we are not responsible for any personal information you submit as part of a receipt. If you check in at a restaurant in connection with a Deal, you must have granted the DoorDash app access to your device’s precise location and you acknowledge that, in connection with the Program, we will only access such precise location when you attempt to check in and we will not store such precise location. If you receive DoorDash credits for Redeeming a Deal, such credits will be applied to your account within three business days. DoorDash credits and Deals are subject to
          <a style="">
           additional terms
          You must have a valid DoorDash account to participate in the Program. Deals are only available to select customers and customer eligibility can change at any time without notice. Only one Deal may be Redeemed per day, regardless of how many Deals you have Claimed. The Program is subject to change or termination at any time without notice. Any expiration date for a particular Deal will be stated in the Deal. We may remove you from the Program if we suspect fraud or abuse of the Program.
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