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   Build and deploy in one platform.
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   <!-- This CTA was adapted from code from Campaign Monitor's -->
    Hi Replit Builders,
    We are excited to announce the release of
     Replit Deployments
    , the fastest way to go from idea to production. Deployments are the new way to deploy your code and are more reliable, scalable, and secure than our previous offering, Always On.
    Here are some benefits of using Deployments:
     Your app is hosted on Google Cloud VMs, making it more reliable and stable.
     Isolated VM resources for your app give you improved security and performance.
     Control when you release to users, so you can fix your app without breaking production.
     All VM logs are streamed directly to the Deployments pane in the Replit workspace, so you can make fixes instantly.
    Deployments start at
    per app. You can upgrade or downgrade your Deployment to a tier that better suits your project’s needs at any time. To get started, visit the Replit workspace and click the "Deploy" button in the header or check out our tutorial video on Deployments
    The Replit Team
    P.S. We’re granting $20 in Cycles to the first 100 builders who deploy real projects on Replit for the first time. Fill out this
    to qualify.
    <address style="font-size: 16px; font-style: normal; font-weight: 400; line-height: 24px;">
      Sent by Replit:
     677 Harrison Street, San Francisco, CA 94107
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     You received this email because we want to see what you'll make. If you'd like,
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      you can unsubscribe here
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