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                          <area alt="Coming May 10th. More ways to earn, no matter how often you travel. Click here to learn more about the new TrueBlue. With the new TrueBlue(1), you'll earn both tiles and points. Tiles are a new, simplified way to see how close you are to landing Mosaic status, while picking up some pretty sweet perks along the way. Tiles will replace Mosaic-Qualifying Points. Keep on reading to learn everything you need to know about how to start becoming part of our loyalty royalty. " coords="0,0, 600,400" href=";_ei_=EM6hiIRZ6IbTRQzpp7EgfWDdxnATvJwQY1HLU4govExQjLkeSxBoYwOpY12Dj02cZUy4VFpO5UD2AxLmoNcvGYB-bHNUctzgz-K5n-wjkAjH8nbQRHZspWhFLByO_yoepLscd-DJDmRubpV7A16gx1xDnPlAjlhhhsZOraecnbpfVM.&amp;_di_=0h2q0cmbnmdakse36feuqo1qbovoe8ku8iqmtqd2n34tenur0cc0" shape="rect" target="_blank"/>
                          <area alt="Click here to learn more about tiles. What are 
they? Tiles are a new way of tracking your progress toward Mosaic status, which will replace our current Mosaic-Qualifying Point system. Pile on the tiles to get closer to your next perk and next level of status. Points are our loyalty currency earned on JetBlue and loyalty partners, redeemable for award travel and Cash + Points bookings. Can they be redeemed for travel? No, tiles have no cash value and cannot be redeemed for award travel, but the more tiles you earn, the closer you are to picking perks of your choice. Yes, TrueBlue points can be redeemed for award travel, as well as for Cash + Points bookings. How are they earned? Tiles: Qualifying spend(2) for JetBlue flights (including many extras and fees), JetBlue Vacations, Paisly by JetBlue, JetBlue credit cards, and American Airlines flights. Points: Eligible spend on JetBlue flights, JetBlue Vacations, Paisly, JetBlue credit cards(2), American Airlines, Hawaiian Airlines, Icelandair, JSX, Qatar, Singapore Airlines, Silver Airways, South African Airways, plus Avis/ Budget, TrueBlue Shopping, TrueBlue Dining, JetOpinions and others. How quickly do they add up? Earn 1 tile for $100 in qualifying travel spend and 1 tile for $1,000 eligible JetBlue credit card spend(2,3). Earn at least 1 point per eligible dollar spent—or more based on what and where you make the purchase, and if you have Mosaic status. When do they expire? Tiles reset at the end of each calendar year. TrueBlue points never expire. Can I buy them? No. Tiles can't be purchased outright. Yes, you can purchase TrueBlue points outright here(4). Once the new TrueBlue launches May 10, you'll be able to see your tile balance and TrueBlue points together on your TrueBlue dashboard." coords="0,400, 600,1340" href=";_ei_=EM6hiIRZ6IbTRQzpp7EgfWDdxnATvJwQY1HLU4govExQjLkeSxBoYwOpY12Dj02cZUy4VFpO5UD2AxLmoNcvGYB-bHNUctzgz-K5n-wjkAjH8nbQRHZspWhFLByO_yoepLscd-DJDmRubpV7A16gx1xDnPlAjlhhhsZOraecnbpfVM.&amp;_di_=dm26moae048o3mtou9ra6onucsep8b5h7kg3qvbclbi5b479fjdg" shape="rect" target="_blank"/>
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                          <area alt="Coming May 10th. More ways to earn, no matter how often you travel. Click here to learn more about the new TrueBlue. With the new TrueBlue(1), you'll earn both tiles and points. Tiles are a new, simplified way to see how close you are to landing Mosaic status, while picking up some pretty sweet perks along the way. Tiles will replace Mosaic-Qualifying Points. Keep on reading to learn everything you need to know about how to start becoming part of our loyalty royalty." coords="0,0, 600,700" href=";_ei_=EM6hiIRZ6IbTRQzpp7EgfWDdxnATvJwQY1HLU4govExQjLkeSxBoYwOpY12Dj02cZUy4VFpO5UD2AxLmoNcvGYB-bHNUctzgz-K5n-wjkAjH8nbQRHZspWhFLByO_yoepLscd-DJDmRubpV7A16gx1xDnPlAjlhhhsZOraecnbpfVM.&amp;_di_=0h2q0cmbnmdakse36feuqo1qbovoe8ku8iqmtqd2n34tenur0cc0" shape="rect" target="_blank"/>
                          <area alt="Click here to learn more about tiles. What are 
they? Tiles are a new way of tracking your progress toward Mosaic status, which will replace our current Mosaic-Qualifying Point system. Pile on the tiles to get closer to your next perk and next level of status. Points are our loyalty currency earned on JetBlue and loyalty partners, redeemable for award travel and Cash + Points bookings. Can they be redeemed for travel? No, tiles have no cash value and cannot be redeemed for award travel, but the more tiles you earn, the closer you are to picking perks of your choice. Yes, TrueBlue points can be redeemed for award travel, as well as for Cash + Points bookings. How are they earned? Tiles: Qualifying spend(2) for JetBlue flights (including many extras and fees), JetBlue Vacations, Paisly by JetBlue, JetBlue credit cards, and American Airlines flights. Points: Eligible spend on JetBlue flights, JetBlue Vacations, Paisly, JetBlue credit cards(2), American Airlines, Hawaiian Airlines, Icelandair, JSX, Qatar, Singapore Airlines, Silver Airways, South African Airways, plus Avis/ Budget, TrueBlue Shopping, TrueBlue Dining, JetOpinions and others. How quickly do they add up? Earn 1 tile for $100 in qualifying travel spend and 1 tile for $1,000 eligible JetBlue credit card spend(2,3). Earn at least 1 point per eligible dollar spent—or more based on what and where you make the purchase, and if you have Mosaic status. When do they expire? Tiles reset at the end of each calendar year. TrueBlue points never expire. Can I buy them? No. Tiles can't be purchased outright. Yes, you can purchase TrueBlue points outright here(4). Once the new TrueBlue launches May 10, you'll be able to see your tile balance and TrueBlue points together on your TrueBlue dashboard." coords="0,700, 600,3240" href=";_ei_=EM6hiIRZ6IbTRQzpp7EgfWDdxnATvJwQY1HLU4govExQjLkeSxBoYwOpY12Dj02cZUy4VFpO5UD2AxLmoNcvGYB-bHNUctzgz-K5n-wjkAjH8nbQRHZspWhFLByO_yoepLscd-DJDmRubpV7A16gx1xDnPlAjlhhhsZOraecnbpfVM.&amp;_di_=dm26moae048o3mtou9ra6onucsep8b5h7kg3qvbclbi5b479fjdg" shape="rect" target="_blank"/>
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                         <img alt="Important Dates. We look forward to rolling the new program out of the hangar this May. 1/1/23 is when the new program year starts. Combined qualifying spend on travel and JetBlue credit cards starts now. 1/1/23 thru launch TrueBlue program and perks unchanged. Mosaic-Qualifying Points still track toward Mosaic Tile accrual tracked behind the scenes. Launch is 5/10/23. New program &amp; perks go live. View tile tracker &amp; points balance. View Mosaic level &amp; perks. Pick Your Perks (if earned).  
" border="0" src="" style="display:block; max-width:600px; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:18px; line-height:22px; color:#ffffff; font-weight:bold;" width="600"/>
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                         <img alt="Important Dates. We look forward to rolling the new program out of the hangar this May. 1/1/23 is when the new program year starts. Combined qualifying spend on travel and JetBlue credit cards starts now. 1/1/23 thru launch TrueBlue program and perks unchanged. Mosaic-Qualifying Points still track toward Mosaic Tile accrual tracked behind the scenes. Launch is 5/10/23. New program &amp; perks go live. View tile tracker &amp; points balance. View Mosaic level &amp; perks. Pick Your Perks (if earned)." class="em_mobile em_img" src="" style="display: none; mso-hide: all; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; color:#ffffff;max-width:640px;" width="100%"/>
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