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   New kid on the blog: 5 tips for sleeping away from home
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                   New kid on the blog:
                   5 tips for sleeping away from home
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                   Not sleeping in your own bed can be a nightmare, so we’ve put together
                    <a data-noop="return false;" rel="noopener" style="text-decoration: none; color: #282b90; font-weight: inherit !important;" target="_blank" title="five top tips">
                     five top tips to make it easier
                   . Speaking of which, have you heard about our trio of serviced apartments, The Zed Rooms? They’re kitted out with everything Simba and we’ve added plenty of other bedtime-friendly extras too - they’ve been causing quite a buzzz in Shoreditch.
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                   Think you're a sleep pro?
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                   Test your nighttime knowledge and learn how to improve your snooze in ten bitesize lessons - absolutely free! We’ve teamed up with 42Courses, our resident sleep psychologist Hope Bastine, and Dr Jim Brown to bring you The Sleep Course, which covers everything from the power of napping to beating jet lag.
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                        Get started here
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                   WIN: A three-night stay at The Zed Rooms
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                  <span style="font-size: 13px;">
                   Make a date with better sleep this Valentine's Day. We’re offering you and a friend the chance to win a three-night stay in one of our brand new boutique serviced apartments: The Zed Rooms. To enter, follow
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                   on Instagram, like our competition post and tag the lucky someone you’d take with you. So simple, you could do it with your eyes closed. Find out
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                     more about The Zed Rooms
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                      Enter the competition
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                   Overheard at Simba HQ...
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                   We've got a whole range of nationalities here at Simba HQ, stretching from Brazil to China, with pitstops in Scotland, Romania, Greece and Australia. And that's just for starters!

This month, making the Canadian guy repeat
                    <a data-noop="return false;" rel="noopener" style="text-decoration: none; color: #282b90; font-weight: inherit !important;" target="_blank" title="space ghettos">
                     'space ghettos'
                   about 30 times an hour was our favourite hobby. If you know, you know. If you don't, you're in for a treat.

Hint: We could tell you if you want, but only if you really, really want.
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                   OFFER: 20% off Saracens vs Harlequins
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                   Rugby fans, this one’s for you.

Saracens are set to take on Harlequins at London Stadium on March 23rd, and we've got our hands on an exclusive 20% ticket discount for Simba customers.

Theirs is the biggest rivalry in club rugby, and the first clash of 2019 is shaping up to be better than ever. Find out more
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                     Book your discounted tickets
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                   Getting social
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                   We could say we don't love this, but we'd be lion. Follow us
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