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                   It’s been two years since you first signed up to ACUVUE
                   <span style="font-size: 60%; line-height: 1.5; vertical-align: top; mso-text-raise: 70%;">
                   . As required by the new rules and regulations regarding privacy and data protection, every two years we need to check in to see if you’re still happy for us to contact you.
                   From time to time we would like to contact you by email with information about our brand and our contact lenses. Please confirm by March 31, 2021 if you’re happy for us to do so.
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                If you do not respond by March 31, 2021 we will need to remove you from our mailing list.
               To find out more about our Privacy Policy
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                click here
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               Best wishes,
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                From everyone at ACUVUE
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                  <span style="font-size: 60%; line-height: 1.5; vertical-align: top; mso-text-raise: 70%;">
                  is a registered trademark of Johnson &amp; Johnson Medical Ltd.
                  © Johnson &amp; Johnson Medical Ltd. 2020.
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